Category Archives: Weeds

Two-Pass Herbicide Applications in Corn Provides More Consistent Weed Control

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Apparently there has been a little corn planted in West Tennessee this week. I for one believe in early planted corn and am hoping the weather next week cooperates to where we can plant the bulk of the corn in early April. With corn planting in mind, I keep seeing an advertisement on TV about one-pass programs providing season-long weed control.  This advertisement might be true in some places but not in our neck of the woods. Continue reading

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Burndown Questions

It finally looks like this long winter is coming to a close.  We will likely start putting out burndown applications this week.  We are well behind the burndown pace of most Tennessee springs where at least some would have burndown applications applied by this time.   However, this was not a typical winter and as such we are not behind with respect to weed maturity. Continue reading

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