Category Archives: Weeds

Weed and Insect Control Recommendations Now Available

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The 2016 Weed Control Manual for Tennessee (PB1580) and the 2016 Insect Control Recommendations for Field Crops (PB1768) are now available online.  As always, hard copies will be made available at various county and state production meetings and at Extension county offices.  But they are always a couple of clicks away at

Insect Control Guide
Insect Control Guide
Weed Control Manual
Weed Control Manual
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Cover Crop Considerations for This Fall

A recent survey in Tennessee showed that 22% or our row crop acres were planted after a cover crop. In light of the PPO resistant Palmer amaranth we believe this number should go up as a good cover crop may help improve control of Palmer amaranth in an integrated system with herbicides. It is time to be making decisions about the cover crops you will be planting this fall. Continue reading

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