Category Archives: Weeds

Wrapping up harvest aid applications in 2016

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We have been blessed with another great harvest season and it appears we may be able to finish harvest with little rain.  Here on the 5th day of Oct, I would guess the average cotton acre within the state has already received the first application of harvest aids and is very close to seeing a picker.  Even so, several acres have not been defoliated.  This has led many to call with concerns about the cooler temperatures in the forecast over the weekend and several have asked if it is simply time to defoliate based on calendar date.   Continue reading

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Red leaves in cotton: Causes and implications

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Tyson Raper, Heather Kelly and Frank Yin

IMG_1778Observing canopy characteristics during the growing season is a good way to understand the plant’s response to its environment.  Occasionally, portions of the canopy may develop reddish-purple or red tones.  The synthesis of anthocyanin, the pigment which typically causes the reddening, is commonly increased after leaves are exposed to light following multiple abiotic and biotic stresses.  Continue reading

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Managing cotton plant growth in 2016

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Many fields in West TN reached first flower well-before the 4th.  I wouldn’t be surprised if over half of our acres will be blooming by the end of the week.  With rain and warm temperatures in the forecast, expect very rapid plant growth in areas which have adequate moisture as we move into flowering.  For those who have not applied an early shot of a plant growth regulator (PGR), you should consider doing so very soon.  Several points should be considered when attempting to regulate growth in 2016. Continue reading

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