Category Archives: Weeds

Defoliation window closing?

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If historical weather trends are true and our forecast holds, we are staring at one of the last opportunities to use moderate to warm temperatures to coax leaves off and open bolls.  The long term forecast suggests low temperatures next week will consistently fall below 60F with a few nights forecast to touch the low 50s.  Furthermore, rain is in the forecast over the weekend/through the beginning of next week.

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Consider Establishing a Cover Crop this Fall

Soybeans in a cereal rye cover crop

PPO-resistant Palmer amaranth has required growers to adapt to an integrated weed control approach with the assistance of the new technologies available. The adoption of cover crops in the state has shown to be a major tool for successfully controlling Palmer amaranth. Furthermore, Palmer amaranth infested fields in Tennessee are cleaner this year compared to the last decade. Continue reading

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Dicamba Residue: What does ppb (parts per billion) mean in the field?

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I posed this question to my colleague Dr. Tom Mueller after receiving a lab report from a tissue sample submitted from a field that had suspected dicamba injury.  I wish to thank him for his thorough explanation which helps make sense of the report.  His response is below: Continue reading

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Soybean Scout School Reminders (Monday and Friday)

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Haywood County – Monday morning, July 17, 9:00 AM (Robert Thornton Farm, GPS: 35.469042, -89.397213). Location is field side on US-70/US-79/TN-1/1st St E approximately 1/4 mile north of Stanton, TN Link to Flyer

Henry County – Friday, July 21, 9:30 AM (Norwood Farms, 645 Norwood Road, Mansfield, TN) Link to Flyer

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Best Management Practices to Mitigate Dicamba Drift

We clearly have to get a better handle on the dicamba drift issue in this state.  In cotton there is no reason to use anything but Liberty now.  In soybeans, particularly seed fields, there maybe no choice but to have to use a dicamba product. The following are some best management practices to reduce the potential of off-target wandering of dicamba. Continue reading

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2017 Soybean Scout Schools in July (Final Details)

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Looper (2 pair of prolegs)

The 2017 Soybean Scout Schools have been scheduled for three locations. Scout schools are sponsored by the Tennessee Promotion Board. They typically last 2-2.5 hours and provide hands-on training on the basics of soybean growth and the scouting and management of weeds, insects, and diseases. Participants will receive a scouting notebook and complimentary sweep net while supplies last. Pesticide recertification points and CCA CEU points are offered. See below for details, and updates and reminders will be posted in future articles. Continue reading

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