Category Archives: Weeds

Updates – UT Soybean Scout School on July 6, 9 and 10

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UT Extension will be hosting three Soybean Scout Schools during July. Final details will be announced later, but these field-side programs last approximately 2.5 hours and cover the basics of soybean growth, scouting, pest identification, and general management.  Pesticide recertification and CCA CEU points will be available. Scout Schools are offered free of charge with sponsorship from the Tennessee Soybean Promotion Board. Registration is not required. Participants will receive a scouting notebook and a sweep net while supplies last.

  • Friday, July 6 – 9:00 AM at the West Tennessee Research and Education Center, 605 Airways Blvd, Jackson, TN
  • Monday, July 9 – 12:30 PM – Beginning with a lunch at Wales Station Farms shop located at 540 Little Dry Creek Road Pulaski, TN …… and the Scout School will be held field side at 1:30 PM at 18498 Hwy 64 W, Pulaski, TN
  • Tuesday, July 10 – 9:00 AM at 8303 Clay Gregory Road, Orlinda, TN
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Herbicide injured cotton: Deciding to keep it and management after

I’ve received several calls this week requesting information on whether or not to keep injured cotton and management after the injury.  In this brief article, I will cover the ‘keep or discard’ decision and briefly cover best management practices after the decision to keep the crop has been made. Depending on your situation, you may need to document the injury and/or keep a portion of the field to determine the yield penalty. That information is beyond the scope of this article but should be available from your insurance agent or attorney.  Continue reading

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Mid May Weather has Hampered Liberty, Engenia and XtendiMax Weed Control

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I have gotten a number of reports and pictures from consultants on disappointing Palmer amaranth control from POST applications last week of Engenia, Liberty and XtendiMax.  This is not surprising.  Spraying those herbicides on Palmer amaranth that is 6 to 10” tall with frequent overcast skies and showers most every afternoon is a recipe for poor control. Continue reading

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Palmer Amaranth Management: Frequent Rain Making it very Difficult

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This weather pattern has Palmer amaranth management in a terrible fix for many fields in West Tennessee.  The rain that has occurred on an almost daily basis for over a week in many areas has delayed early POST herbicide applications.  The forecast for rain into June looks to be a similar pattern. There will likely be a very small window to spray until the first week of June for numerous fields.  Palmer amaranth is growing quickly and now is often in the 1 to 3” range where a PRE was used and 10 to 14” range in fields where no PRE was used.  Continue reading

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Managing Large Palmer Amaranth in Large Corn

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Judging by our research here as well as field visits and  phone calls from folks walking corn fields it is very apparent that pretty much any PRE applied herbicide in corn has given out. Even some of the PRE applied herbicides that traditionally have provided consistently long weed control like Acuron or Bicep have given out about 25 days after application.  In a few fields I visited today clearly no PRE was applied to the corn and Palmer amaranth jungles were very evident in the fields. After visiting these fields I will take a PRE that has given out any day. Continue reading

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