Category Archives: Weeds

Results of UT Studies on Reasons for Junglerice Becoming a Major Pest in Tennessee Xtend Cotton and Soybean Acres

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Junglerice Escaping: Glyphosate+Engenia /fb Glyphosate+Engenia+Clethodim

The results of some studies UT Extension has done to try to determine why junglerice has become a major weed pest in Tennessee Xtend cotton and soybean acres has provided some insights. This research was in-part supported by the Tennessee Soybean Promotion Board and from Cotton Incorporated. Continue reading

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Junglerice/Barnyardgrass Starting to Emerge in Tennessee

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Emerging Junglerice

We have started to notice Junglerice/Barnyardgrass emergence here in West Tennessee on Tuesday (April 28th). The key way to ID junglerice at this young stage is the purple base and flat stem. As the grass matures, you will start to notice some purple striping on the leaves as well as not having a ligule.

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Managing Knotroot Foxtail in Pasture

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This is an update to a post run several years ago. You can also download a print-friendly PDF version of this article here, Knotroot Foxtail Facet L Fact Sheet-Revised.

Knotroot Foxtail
Knotroot foxtail is a warm-season perennial grass that is also known as knotroot bristlegrass or simply perennial foxtail. It is native to the Americas and can be found throughout Tennessee in hay fields, pastures, lawns, roadsides and waste sites.

Knotroot foxtail is difficult to control. Some of the most serious knotroot foxtail problems are in bermudagrass hay fields. The Continue reading

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Poa and Ryegrass Causing Burndown Issues

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Poor control of poa (annual bluegrass) and ryegrass have been the common calls of late.  This is becoming more common every spring.  It would appear that an increasing portion of the poa and ryegrass populations in Tennessee has evolved some level (2 to 4x) of glyphosate resistance.

Poa Escaping Roundup PM + Sterling Blue 14 DAA

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Results of the 2019 Palmer amaranth Dicamba Screen

Response of Palmer amaranth to 0.5 lbs/A of Dicamba: 2001 collected seed Left and 2019 collected seed Right. 11 days after application

In 2019 we ran calls on about 40 fields where producers were disappointed with their Palmer amaranth control from applications of Engenia or XtendiMax. We collected Palmer amaranth seed last fall from 22 of these fields where it looked like the Palmer had survived timely application(s) of dicamba. Subsequently, we were able to get a critical mass of seed to germinate from 12 of these collections in order to evaluate plants for possible dicamba tolerance in three separate greenhouse screens conducted throughout the winter months. Continue reading

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Call of the Week: Prepping for 2020 Weed Management

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Dr. Larry Steckel’s top call this week has been questions about preemergent herbicides for grass control. In this episode he provides his recommendations. He also provides an overview of weed control trends and technology discussed at the recent Weed Science Society of America conference. Play podcast. Continue reading

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