Symptomology of Command reaching back to control ryegrass
Ryegrass has become a serous weed issue in some fields the past couple of years. A major reason for this is that much of it is now glyphosate-resistant. Even if clethodim is used rather than glyphosate often it is applied on ryegrass sometime in late March through April when the grass is too well established to provide consistent control. Continue reading →
The two best fall-applied options for ryegrass and poa control in wheat are Anthem Flex and Zidua. Pyroxasulfone is providing the grass control in both these herbicides. Anthem Flex can be applied as a true PRE right behind the press wheel. Keep in mind there is some chance of wheat injury from this use if a rain occurs shortly after planting. As such, if rain is in the forecast wait and apply it later as a delayed PRE or early POST. Continue reading →
Practically every September some growers are dismayed at the vine infestations present at corn harvest. Often, these weed infestations emerged after PRE applied or early POST applied herbicides had played out. They grew very little until August and as the corn dried down and light became more available those established weeds started rapidly growing. Continue reading →
The extended planting season this year has resulted in an extended weed management season. Even with this in mind it has been surprising about questions this late in August on what can be sprayed on soybean to control pigweed, morninglories and grass. Continue reading →
Serious infestations of goosegrass, junglerice and barnyardgrass have proven to be way too persistent in many cotton and soybean fields (Picture 1). Many are getting frustrated with the lack of control seen with tankmixes that contain glyphosate and/or clethodim or quizalofop. Some have asked if maybe some of these grasses have developed resistance to glyphosate, clethodim and quizalofop. Continue reading →
UT’s Soybean Scout Schools will be held in July (see details below). These field-side programs cover the basics of soybean growth, scouting, pest identification, and general management. Pesticide recertification and CCA CEU points will be available. Scout Schools are offered free of charge with sponsorship from the Tennessee Soybean Promotion Board. Registration is not required. Participants will receive a scouting notebook and a sweep net while supplies last.
West TN – Madison County, July 15th, 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM. This school will be at the West TN Research and Education Center, 605 Airways Blvd. Jackson TN, 38301. Signs will be up at the station to direct you to the field.
2024 Franklin County Soybean Scout School
Middle TN – Franklin County, July 16th, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. This school will be at 601 Cumberland St., Cowan TN 37318. Contact Matthew Deist for more information. 931-967-2741, Register online at
West TN– Obion County, July 17th, 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM. This school will be held at the Obion Farmers Coop, 810 Mt. Zion Rd Union City, TN 38261. Contact Garrett McDaniel for more information, 731-223-1178.
JACKSON, Tenn. – The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture will host the annual Weed Tour this Thursday, June 20 at the West Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center. The guided tour will feature 60 weed management research tests in cotton, corn and soybean.
Weed Tour runs from 9 – 11:30 a.m., with registration opening at 8:30 a.m. Continue reading →
Picture 1. 3 foot tall goosegrass, fall panicum and Palmer amaranth that need to be burndown before soybean planting
The question of the week is on how to burndown fields that are grown up messes before planting soybeans (Picture 1). The problem is when fields are heavily infested with 3’ tall goosegrass, Palmer amaranth, horseweed and volunteer corn that is tasseling there are no good answers. Continue reading →