Category Archives: Soybean

Palmer Amaranth Flowering in Early April

Much of the Palmer amaranth that is now 3 to 5” tall is flowering.  Quite a few folks have asked what the reason is for this early flower.  The Palmer amaranth has been triggered to flower by the short day length of March and now early April.  Quite literally the Palmer amaranth that has emerged thinks it is late August or September. Palmer amaranth that we are most familiar with emerges from late-April through June.  Continue reading

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Questions on Poor Burndown of Cover Crop Wheat

There have been numerous reports of poor control of cover crop or volunteer wheat with glyphosate + dicamba or glyphosate + dicamba + Leadoff over the last ten days.    This poor control has been somewhat spotty and not occurred in every field. Earlier those very same treatments were providing consistent control of wheat across the board. The question is why the wheat control is inconsistent now with Continue reading

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Technical Service Provider Training in Little Rock

As you know, we have been working with the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), and Tennessee Association of Conservation Districts (TACD) to develop a program to highlight the impact of herbicide resistant weeds on agriculture.  It appears that some cost share incentives will be offered to those farmers with “Herbicide Resistant Weed Management Plans”.

However, these plans must be written by qualified “Technical Service Providers” (TSPs) and since this is a new program, there are currently no TSPs to write the plans.  A training program has been pulled together over the past few days to offer TSP training to any consultant interested. Continue reading

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