Category Archives: Soybean

It’s Raining Thrips

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Actually, thinking of thrips as raining from the sky is pretty accurate; and we are getting a pretty good flood in most areas.  Many people are reporting 2-15 thrips per plant on cotton from the cotyledon stage up to the second true leaf.  These calls are pretty easy to answer.  Spray if multiple thrips are present on plants with less than two true leaves.  Certainly apply a foliar insecticide if the first or second true leaf has obvious signs of thrips injury … Continue reading

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Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on May 14, 2012


Showers and thunderstorms provided some needed relief this weekend, but it has been so dry recently that all regions of the state continue to need a general soaking rain. Crops continue to develop at rapid rate well ahead of normal. Corn planting is complete, all emerged and in mostly good condition. Cotton and soybean planting and tobacco transplanting were the main farm activities last week. Fertilizing, spraying post-emergence herbicides and hay harvest were also major farm activities. The wheat crop is ripening and farmers expect to begin harvest within the next two weeks. Continue reading

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Soybean Crop in Holding Pattern

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Dry weather forced most producers to temporarily quit planting soybeans last week and into this week with planting resuming in limited areas that received rains this weekend.  We are about 25% planted at this point but without enough moisture to get seedlings out the ground in many parts of the state, seeds are better off in the bag.  Stands have been uniform and look good for beans planted in late April and the first few days in May but some folks that pushed it on moisture are going to have mixed results with partially emerged stands that will need to get some rain to finish the job.  Beans that are Continue reading

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