Category Archives: Soybean

Maximizing Efficacy from POST Herbicides for Palmer amaranth

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With the weather finally looking like it will give us a break, many people are gearing up to spray.  Most folks are aware of the effect that time of day of application can have on glufosinate (Liberty, Cheetah, etc…) and how to maximize the effects of this herbicide. In a recent test we found that application time of day can also affect many of the PPO herbicides (Flexstar, Prefix, Ultra Blazer, Cobra, etc…) that are commonly utilized for controlling Palmer amaranth. Continue reading

Crop Progress


Constant rains, while improving crop conditions, have prevented producers from finishing their planned planting of soybeans and cotton, and has strongly hindered hay harvest, especially in West and Middle Tennessee where rainfall has averaged almost 25 inches and over 30 inches in some areas since January 1, 2015. Continue reading at Crop Progress 6 1 15.

Crop Progress

Dry weather held on long enough to allow some producers to finish planting their field crops and harvest their first cutting of hay; however, the rains have returned and been beneficial to some crops while catching some producers with hay on the ground and some acreage still to be planted. Greenhouse tomatoes are being harvested and showing little to no insects or diseases. There were 3.4 days suitable for field work last week. Continue reading at Crop Progress 5 26 15.

Palmer Amaranth Management in Soybean Over the Next Two Weeks

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The large rain event over the weekend really was needed and from a weed control perspective greatly helped activate PRE applied herbicides.  Unfortunately, the long dry spell before that allowed a lot of weed escapes in some fields and managing them has become a concern.  Continue reading

Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on May 18, 2015

The rains that kept producers out of the fields for weeks would now be welcome as soil starts to dry out. A good general shower would help with crop development. The dry weather did allow corn producers to come within 7 points of getting their entire crop planted. Winter wheat is in mostly in good to excellent condition. Continue reading at Crop Progress 5 18 15.

Basic Irrigation Needs of Corn, Beans and Grain Sorghum

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Dry weather has already plagued some parts of the state.  We do have some likely rains in the forecast, but for those who miss rain once again this weekend and are thinking about turning on the irrigators, included are some basic irrigation amounts for corn, soybeans and grain sorghum. Continue reading

Management of Palmer Amaranth in Non-Activated PRE Herbicide Situations

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As anticipated the dry conditions that we experienced last week and that continue through today are not activating pre applied herbicides.  Reports of Palmer amaranth already 1 to 2” tall with emerging crops appears to be common.  How to proceed from here on weed management depends upon the crop as well as the herbicide tolerant trait in the crop. Continue reading