Category Archives: Soybean

Applicators Must Have a Copy of 24c Label for Engenia or XtendiMax

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It is my understanding that applicators when they apply Engenia or XtendiMax must have on hand a copy of the 24c label for those herbicides.  A hard copy is preferred. Baring that a downloaded copy on to your Ipad, tablet or phone would be better than nothing.  Trying to down load a copy on to your phone as the TDA inspector pulls into your field is not recommended. The links so you can down load, print a copy and read before you go spray is:


XtendiMaxTN xtendimax 24c label Continue reading

Palmer Amaranth Management Strategies in Xtend Soybean

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As of Monday we have had well over 2400 folks take the dicamba training in Tennessee.  Our best estimate is that about 2500 total would be spraying Engenia or XtendiMax in Xtend crops so we are clearly in the short rows for getting applicators trained.  If you still lack the dicamba training, contact your county Extension Agent.

Since most are now trained to apply dicamba, questions have arisen on strategies to manage Palmer amaranth in Xtend soybean under two different situations. Continue reading

Controlling Multiple-Resistant Palmer Amaranth

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A survey sponsored by the Tennessee Soybean Promotion was conducted last summer to determine the percentage of fields that harbored PPO-resistant Palmer amaranth in West Tennessee. We found that 83% of the fields tested had Palmer amaranth infestations that survived a field use rate of Flexstar (fomesafen). Recent field research has shown that these populations are also ALS & glyphosate-resistant.

Additionally, some of these multiple-resistant Palmer amaranth populations are proving to be difficult to control with a number of herbicides.  So research was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of various herbicides in controlling PPO-resistant (Flexstar-resistant) Palmer amaranth compared to a location where PPO herbicides were still effective on Palmer.  Continue reading

Update on Herbicide Options for Horseweed Control in Burndown Applications

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There are many more options to control horseweed (marestail) in soybean and cotton than what was available just a few years ago. The biggest new option for many acres of Xtend cotton or soybean has been the use of Engenia or XtendiMax closer to planting than the standard 21 days before planting use of Clarity. Continue reading

UT Insect Management Guide for Field Crops

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The 2018 Insect Control Recommendations for Field Crops (cotton, corn, soybean, wheat, sorghum, and pastures) can be found online on  Insect and disease management recommendations for cotton and soybean are also available on the mobile-friendly Field Guide website at

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