Most soybeans have gotten into reproductive growth stages and diseases may have started appearing although at low levels. To better identify diseases and guide management decisions use the resources below… Continue reading
Category Archives: Soybean
Cotton and Soybean Insect Update
Cotton: Much of our cotton is within 7-10 days of when insect controls can be terminated, and it looks like this cotton may outrun the bollworm moth flight in many areas. Most the bollworm action appears to be pretty moderate and still primarily concentrated along the Mississippi River and south of I-40. Having said that, we are some seeing bollworm larvae slip through on Bollgard 2, WideStrike, and TwinLink varieties. It’s a numbers game. Continue reading
The Problem with Insects is ….
Insect pests are irritatingly unpredictable about when, where and how bad infestations will be. But there are patterns that repeat themselves annually. Continue reading
Don’t Forget, Milan No-Till Field Day is Thursday!
Visitors to the Milan No-Till Field Day can hear presentations on research involving corn, cotton and soybeans. Due to growing interest in cover crops, two tours (10 total presentations) will be devoted to that topic. New this year – a tour devoted to managing resistance, a tour on fragipans, and a producer-led panel discussing personal experiences with precision agriculture technology. Continue reading
Dicamba in Tennessee: Year 3
A year ago this week I posted a blog that was titled “I can not keep dicamba in the field”. At that time I, along with many applicators, was very frustrated by all the dicamba injury across West Tennessee. So what is the status of the dicamba injury in what is Year 3 for us? Continue reading
Temperature Inversions in West Tennessee
How often do temperature inversions occur in west Tennessee? Recent research funded by the United Soybean Board designed to study low level inversions has had some interesting results. Continue reading
The bollworm moth flight is beginning so I should …
Moth traps and field reports indicate the beginnings of the bollworm moth flight that could affect both cotton and soybean. Below are my suggestions on deciding if and when to make an insecticide application, and with which insecticides. Continue reading
New Palmer Amaranth Control Option in Soybean for 2019
It appears that in 2019 there will be soybeans available that will be tolerant to Liberty and Roundup. MS Technologies and Bayer announced very quietly last week the commercial launch of Liberty Link GT27 soybeans. Continue reading