Category Archives: Soybean

Burndown Time in Tennessee

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It is now “burndown time in Tennessee.”  The combination of supply chain issues with the ever-increasing presence of herbicide resistant weeds has made burndown time more of a challenge in 2022. Poa and ryegrass are two very common grass weeds and are of most concern, particularly before corn planting. Continue reading

Remind Text Message System For Field Crops

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UT is implementing a new method of sending information to agricultural professionals. Remind is texted based communication system that facilitates information delivery via text or push notification.  Messages are limited in length and recipients can directly message senders with questions. Enrolling is free and easy and takes less than a minute. Follow the instructions below to enroll in a crop specific class (cotton, corn, soybean, wheat or tobacco).


Dyersburg Grain Conference Still On for Thursday Feb 3

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The West TN Grain Conference will be held on Thursday, Feb 3rd with a revised program that will allow attendees to return home earlier in the day. Attendees are advised to use their best judgement when traveling, as some areas may have more or less freezing rain and accumulation.  Parking at the fairgrounds is likely to be muddy due to recent rains.

Registration will begin at 7:45 am with presentations starting at 9 am.  The conference will wrap up at noon followed by a rib and chicken meal that can be eaten on-site in the Armory building or taken to-go.  Travel safely, and we hope to see you in Dyersburg!!

2021 Soybean Variety Trials in TN – Now Available

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Results from the 2021 TN soybean variety trials are now available as pdf and excel files at One hundred ten varieties were evaluated in small plot replicated trials (REC) at nine locations and fifty-seven varieties were evaluated in three to twelve locations as non-replicated large strip plots (CST).  Quality and agronomic traits are reported for the REC trials and disease data are reported for both sets of trials.  A summary of varieties that were in the yield “A group” (not statistically different from the top yield within each test) in either the REC or CST trial can be viewed here 2021 TN Soybean Top-Performers . Links for individual tables and the soybean database will be uploaded soon.