Below is a YouTube video from Dr. Nick Seiter from the University of Illinois that does a good job of reviewing this biology and management of Dectes stem borer in soybeans. Dr. Seiter and I are on the same page, and this video compliments my recent article about Dectes stem borer.
Category Archives: Insects
Call of the Week: Insect Pressure Following Warm Winter
Could we see more insect pressure in 2020 following this mild winter? And what species should worry us? Dr. Scott Stewart explains in this podcast. Listen.

Let’s rap about Dectes stem borer in soybean … not as bad as you think
Over the years and several times in the last month, I’ve had folks tell me how bad Dectes stem borer hurt their soybean yields. Almost without exception, they describe low yielding spots in their fields and/or weak, dying, and dead plants … and they found a lot of Dectes larvae in the stems. They are convinced the two are related and look at me like I’m crazy when I suggest they are not. Here’s what I know. Don’t forget to look at the photos included at the bottom of this article!
What do we know about the biology and pest status of the Dectes stem borer? Continue reading
Field Crop Insect Management Recommendations (PB 1768) Available Online
The 2020 version of PB 1768, Insect Management Recommendations for Field Crops (and pasture), is now available. The guide has gone through substantial revision this year and closely matches the content on the mobile friendly Disease and Insect Field Guides at Hard copies will be available soon and distributed through county extension offices and at various educational meetings.
So, You Wanna Be a Hemp Farmer?
Below are the presentations and handout given at the recent public forum on the essentials of growing hemp held at the West TN Research and Education Center on Jan. 14, 2020. Thanks to the Madison County UT Extension agent, Jake Mallard, and the West TN Chapter of the TN Hemp Industries Association for sponsoring the forum.
Preliminary Summary of 2019 UT Hemp Variety Trial Data – handout
Table Summary of UT 2019 Hemp Variety Trial Data – handout
Diseases, Insects, & Yields – What we saw in 2019 – presentation
Hemp Economics and Marketing – presentation
Call of the Week: New Hemp Pesticides
In this podcast, Scott Stewart and Heather Kelly discuss the six pesticides recently approved for use in hemp in Tennessee, along with hemp pest control insights from the 2019 growing season. Listen. Continue reading

Insect Control … last week for cotton … not so much for soybean
Cotton – Even for our latest cotton, given an average frost date of around October 15, this is the last week you can likely justify insecticide applications to cotton. Based on average historical temperatures, the last effective bloom date was two week ago. A late flurry of bollworm moth activity has forced some sprays this week, and most folks are electing to Continue reading