Blooms are beginning to become easier to find in West TN cotton fields. It appears first bloom (the period in which 50% of plants have begun flowering) has arrived roughly 7-14 days behind schedule. Our plots here and around Jackson have definitely jumped in the past few days with warmer temperatures and moderately clear skies. Still, the 7 day forecast looks more like May. With that in mind, I’ve collected and graphed the growing degree days (no cut-off temp, base 60) in Jackson, TN for the past 14 years. Continue reading
Category Archives: Fertility
Reminder: Milan No-till Field Day This Thursday
Without a doubt, the Milan No-Till Crop Production Field Day is one of the most far-ranging agricultural field days in the nation. The event is a junction for producers with varied farming interests. Tours will cover topics as diverse as row crop sustainability, beef cattle production, natural resource management, unmanned aerial systems and even the compatibility of honeybees and agriculture. Registration is free and begins at 6 a.m. CDT, with the first tours leaving at 7 a.m. A total of 16 tours are on the agenda. Continue reading
Reminder: Soybean Scout Schools
UT’s annual Soybean Scout Schools are set for the dates and times below. These field-side programs last 2-2.5 hours and address general crop management including plant development and management of weed, disease and insect pests. As always, scouting supplies and sweep nets are Continue reading
Foliar Fertilization Following Early-Season Stress
I’ve fielded several questions over the past few days concerning applications of foliar fertilizers as a method of spurring stressed cotton to allow it to catch cotton grown under more-optimum conditions. Continue reading
Nitrogen Loss in Saturated Soils
Continued saturated soils in some parts of the state have created concern with producers that N fertilizers that were already applied may be partially lost. Nitrogen loss through denitrification occurs when nitrogen in the nitrate (NO3) form is converted to nitrogen gas by bacteria in the soil. The amount of denitrification increases Continue reading
New Sorghum and Cotton Publications
The following publications are available at and can be accessed through the links below.
Grain Sorghum Production in the Mid-South (A regional production guide for Illinois, Kentucky and Tennessee).
Nitrogen Requirements of Contemporary Cotton Cultivars (Cotton Incorporated)
Pre Tassel Nitrogen in Corn
Our corn planting window was pretty strung out this year, ranging from end of March until close to the end of May. Just wanted to include a few comments on nitrogen for those still needing to put out adequate amounts and those thinking about pre-tassel applications. Continue reading
Automatic Delivery of Our Newsletter
From now on you will receive automatic emails about new content on the UTcrops News Blog. This email will arrive each Thursday afternoon if new articles have been published. You will have subscribe/unsubscribe options Continue reading