Category Archives: Cotton

Making the cotton replant decision

Adverse conditions experienced during or after cotton planting can negatively impact cotton seedlings and result in seedling death.  If severe, stresses can reduce stands to unprofitable yield potentials.  Unfortunately, cool nights, excessive rainfall and marginal seed quality from some seed lots have increased reports of failed stands.  Determining whether to accept or replant a marginal stand of cotton is a particularly challenging decision since many factors must be considered. The purpose of this post is to highlight a few factors to consider while making the replant decision. Continue reading

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Pest Issues on the Radar

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Well it’s a start anyhow. Most folks are dodging weather trying to get seed in the ground. With limited crops emerged, it is not too surprising that I’ve not been getting many calls about pest problems. The most frequent calls are listed below, along with some management tips and some photos. Continue reading

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Management of Johnsongrass Escapes

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Photo credit: Todd Rankin

Questions continue to arise on management of glyphosate-resistant (GR) Johnsongrass in corn, soybean and cotton. GR Johnsongrass continues to become more of an issue with each passing year.  The main threat with Johnsongrass is in corn where there are few POST applied options. Continue reading

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Ryegrass and Poa Management in Corn

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Ryegrass escaping glyphosate plus dicamba burndown

Clearly this year,  many are having trouble managing ryegrass and poa.  Questions began months ago and continue today and have ranged from tactics to burn them down before planting to how to control them in a standing corn crop. What has become abundantly clear is that glyphosate is no longer an effective burn down option for either species across much of the state. Continue reading

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New cotton planting forecast tool from NC State

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A new, very impressive cotton planting conditions calculator has been created by Dr. Guy Collins and Dr. Keith Edmisten with help from the Climatology Office at North Carolina State University.  In this post, I highlight a few of the features and provide an example of how the calculator works.

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