The USDA released the lastest crop production forecast for Tennessee. Corn production in Tennessee was forecast at 160 million bushels, up 38 percent from the previous crop. Yield was estimated at 174 bushels per acre, up 4 bushels from the 2018 level. If realized, this would be the highest corn yield on record. Soybean production for Tennessee was forecast at 73.5 million bushels, decreased 4 percent from 2018. Yield was estimated at 50.0 bushels per acre, up 4.0 bushels from a year ago. If realized, this would tie the highest soybean yield on record. Tennessee farmers expect to harvest 14.9 million bushels of winter wheat during 2019. The expected crop for 2019 would be down 20 percent from the previous year.
Tennessee cotton production is projected to be 940,000 bales, up 22 percent from last year. Cotton yields are forecast to average 1,128 pounds per acre, up 87 pounds per acre from the previous year. Producers expect to harvest 400,000 acres, up 45,000 acres from 2018. The entire report can be read here: Crop Production Forecast for TN 2019.
Category Archives: Cotton
Tennessee Weekly Weather and Crop Condition Update
Hay baling was the dominant activity across the state last week with pop-up showers doing little to slow the second or third cuttings of hay. Other activities included spraying of fungicides on soybeans and the topping of tobacco. Pastures continued to look good due to the rainfall received over the past few months, but the elevated heat and humidity seen by most of the state placed a great deal of stress on livestock. There were 5.0 days suitable for field work. Topsoil moisture was rated 1 percent very short, 14 percent short, 77 percent adequate, and 8 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture was rated 1 percent very short, 13 percent short, 74 percent adequate, and 12 percent surplus. You can read the entire report here: TN Crop Weather 08_12_19. The USDA also realeased an updated crop condition report that can be viewed here: US Crop Progress 08_12_2019.
‘Impacts of the Trade War on the U.S. Cotton Sector’ by Dr. Andrew Muhammad and Dr. Aaron Smith
Dr. Andrew Muhammad and Dr. Aaron Smith published an Extension article earlier this week entitled “Impacts of the Trade War on the U.S. Cotton Sector.” I found the article to be extremely informative and while we typically focus on production issues, felt it was appropriate to share here. You can access the publication by clicking the image or following this hyperlink:
Call of the Week: Cotton Nutrient Deficiencies
After a brief hiatus, our Call of the Week podcast is back, featuring Tyson Raper. Listen.
Insect Calls of the Week (August 1, 2019)
I don’t think I have had a call about soybean all week, but my observations suggest we need to be scouting for stink bugs in our earliest beans, and in some areas, kudzu bugs. Thus far, caterpillar infestations have been very light. As the bollworm flight increases, closely scout for corn earworm in Continue reading
When Should I Quit Spraying Cotton?
For the most part the answer is not yet! It’s important to protect your cotton crop from insect feeding until NAWF5 + 350 DD60’s. This general rule applies to a complex of our common pests, but in reality, you can probably quit worrying about plant bugs at about 300 DD60s, whereas for Continue reading
Sulfur deficiencies in cotton
Over the past month, I’ve received several images of sulfur deficiencies in cotton. While we are quickly approaching a point in which a sulfur fertilizer application will be unable to impact yield in 2019, understanding what a sulfur deficiency looks like may help identify areas which will likely respond to the nutrient during the 2020 season. This blog covers the characteristics of a sulfur deficiency, presents atmospheric deposition data, and highlights current UT recommendations for the nutrient in cotton production. Continue reading
2019 Xtend Weed Management in Tennessee: We have a Problem
A year ago this month I posted a blog that was titled “Dicamba in Tennessee: Year 3”. At that time the Tennessee Department of Agriculture had fielded 45 official dicamba drift complaints. There were some issues on poor grass control but overall weed control was good. So, what is the status of Xtend weed management in 2019? Continue reading