Category Archives: Cotton

Correlation between Stock Markets and Cotton Futures

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*Posted on behalf of Dr. Aaron Smith.  A pdf of this article can be accessed by clicking the title below*

Correlation between Stock Markets and Cotton Futures

By Dr. Aaron Smith, Associate Professor and Charles Martinez, Assistant Professor

Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Tennessee

Since mid-February, cotton and stock markets have plummeted due to the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The COVID-19 pandemic has reverberated through all sectors of the US and global economies. Probably the most effected of the agricultural commodities is cotton. Cotton is tied closely to global economic activity as, in general, clothing and other apparel purchases are not a necessity and can be delayed, unlike food. For this reason, there is a close correlation between stock markets, such as the S&P 500, and cotton futures (Figure 1). Continue reading

Results of the 2019 Palmer amaranth Dicamba Screen

Response of Palmer amaranth to 0.5 lbs/A of Dicamba: 2001 collected seed Left and 2019 collected seed Right. 11 days after application

In 2019 we ran calls on about 40 fields where producers were disappointed with their Palmer amaranth control from applications of Engenia or XtendiMax. We collected Palmer amaranth seed last fall from 22 of these fields where it looked like the Palmer had survived timely application(s) of dicamba. Subsequently, we were able to get a critical mass of seed to germinate from 12 of these collections in order to evaluate plants for possible dicamba tolerance in three separate greenhouse screens conducted throughout the winter months. Continue reading

New Thoughts on Pre-Emergence Options in Cotton

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Goosegrass Escapes after two applications of Roundup PM + Engenia

Clearly, after all the struggles in 2019 controlling grass weeds, many are looking to change their weed management program. The most frequent question recently has been on the best pre emergent (PRE) options to more account for barnyardgrass, jungle rice and goosegrass. Continue reading

New Thoughts on Burndown Strategy

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Junglerice escaping glyphosate plus dicamba burndown in Titpon county TN 2019

For the last two decades dicamba has been used extensively as a pre plant burndown on almost all Tennessee cotton and soybean acres. It was often used at 8 to 12 oz/A of a Clarity-type product 14 days before planting. I know it has become tradition to use it in this fashion, but I believe this should be changed for three reasons. Continue reading

2019 TN Cotton Variety Trial Results now available

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The 2019 TN Cotton Variety Trial Results Publication (PB1742) is now available online. This document contains detailed results from all harvested trails in the 2019 University of Tennessee Cotton Variety Testing Program.  This expanded publication follows the recently published summary publication, the 2020 TN Cotton Variety Guide (W285) which was released a few weeks ago.

2020 Cotton Focus THIS THURSDAY, February 13th @ WTREC

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The 2020 UT Cotton Focus is this Thursday. This year’s meeting will be held at the West Tennessee Research and Education Center (605 Airways Blvd, Jackson, TN 38301) on Thursday, February 13th.   The agenda can be viewed by clicking here. Registration begins at 8:00 AM with opening remarks beginning at 8:25 AM.  UT Specialists will be presenting information on managing resistant bollworms and weeds, variety selection,  new diseases, and economic considerations for 2019, among other pertinent information.  The meeting will close with a provided lunch.  Pesticide re-certification and CCA points will be available. Look forward to seeing you there!