Category Archives: Cotton
Preliminary Cotton Official Variety Trial yield and turnout
Although we are still a few days away from having all of the fiber quality data back for the 2024 Tennessee Cotton Official Variety Trials, I wanted to provide a complete summary table of yield and turnout. This table represents an average of all six locations of the 2024 cotton OVTs. Expect a complete report to be released after Christmas. Continue reading
UT Extension Winter Meetings
Please see below for detailed information regarding UT Extension Winter Meetings and events planned for West Tennessee this year.
2024 County Standardized Trials-Corn/Soybean tables
The CST program consist of large, on-farm strip trials across the state to evaluate yield performance and adaptability of new and commonly used varieties/hybrids. We have a lot of good offerings to choose from when selecting varieties and hybrids to plant each spring. We hope that this data will give you a non-bias look into performance and aid in selecting your seed for the following crop with confidence.
We really appreciate all those who contributed to this data (County Agents, TN Farmers, Industry Seed Partners)
For more information on CST data or to book a trial on your farm next year, please contact your local County Extension Office.
2025 West Tennessee Grain and Soybean Producers Conference
On behalf of UT Extension, the West Tennessee Grain Conference Planning Committee invites you to attend the annual West Tennessee Grain and Soybean Producers Conference.
Details for this meeting and others are below.
2024 Soybean Variety Tests in Tennessee
Results from the 2024 Tennessee OVT, CST, and Disease soybean trials are now available (full report pdf, excel tables, excel appendix tables). The summary sheet below (Table 4 in the full report) lists varieties in the “A Group” (not statistically different from the highest yielding variety) in either one or both of the REC and CST trials. Listed for each variety are yield, number of years that variety has been in the A group and the percent of locations where that variety had above average yield (click the image to view larger size).
AgResearch and Education Center (REC): Eighty soybean varieties were evaluated at nine sites in small plot replicated trials . There were 8 varieties in MG3, 24 in MG4E , 40 in MG4L, and 8 in MG5 tests. Herbicide tolerance varied by entries with the majority falling into the XtendFlex (XF) or Enlist E3 categories, either with or without STS tolerance (61 entries).
County Standard Tests (CST): Forty-nine soybean varieties were evaluated in unreplicated strip trials. Trials included MG3 / MG4E XF (9 varieties at 5 locations), MG4E Enlist ( 26 varieties at 7 locations), and MG4L XF (14 varieties at 7 locations).
Disease Trials: County trials at three AgResearch and Education Center sites were evaluated for yield with and without a fungicide application. Yield as well as ratings for frogeye, target spot, brown spot, and soybean cyst nematode are reported.