Judging by recent phone calls the tillage turnips did not freeze kill. Some are 18” tall and as big around as your wrist. The question is how to control them this spring with so much growth. Continue reading
Category Archives: Corn
Bt Corn Refuge Requirements Revisited
My colleague, Angus Catchot at Mississippi State University wrote a good news article addressing Bt corn refuge requirements. Keep in mind that his comments are for Mississippi, and things change for non-cotton growing areas of Tennessee … those not officially designated as “cotton counties” (see below).
You can read Dr. Catchot’s comments on his blog site at http://www.mississippi-crops.com/2012/03/01/the-corn-refuge-conundrum-for-the-south/. Continue reading
Slides Shows from Irrigation Workshop
A number of people asked if we could make available the slides used during the Irrigation Workshop that was held in Jackson on February 23rd. The slide shows can now be viewed at http://www.utcrops.com/presentations.htm.
Technical Service Provider Training in Little Rock
As you know, we have been working with the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), and Tennessee Association of Conservation Districts (TACD) to develop a program to highlight the impact of herbicide resistant weeds on agriculture. It appears that some cost share incentives will be offered to those farmers with “Herbicide Resistant Weed Management Plans”.
However, these plans must be written by qualified “Technical Service Providers” (TSPs) and since this is a new program, there are currently no TSPs to write the plans. A training program has been pulled together over the past few days to offer TSP training to any consultant interested. Continue reading
Changes in USDA NRCS Conservation Programs
The following information was provided by Wade Moder (IPM Institute of North America).
For FY 2012, the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has made significant changes to conservation programs to streamline procedures, reduce costs and improve consistency. These changes will impact grower support from the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), including for IPM. The following Continue reading
Tennessee Grain & Soybean Conference (Thursday, February 2)
A reminder that the annual Tennessee Grain and Soybean Conference will be held Thursday, February 2nd at the Dyer County Fairgrounds in Dyersburg. Registration begins at 7:45 with the program beginning at 9:00. Program details.
Publications Available – Insect and Weed Control Recommendations
PB 1768, Insect Control Recommendations for Field Crops for Tennessee is available online and includes IPM recommendations for cotton, corn, soybean, sorghum, wheat and pasture (LINK HERE).
PB 1580, 2012 Weed Control Manual for Tennessee is also available and includes information for field and forage crops, harvest aids, and farm ponds (LINK HERE).
Corn Rotation on Fields with Heavy Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth Seed Bank
What is the best herbicide for corn that is being planted into fields with overwhelming Palmer amaranth soil seed bank? There are two key aspects to manage heavy GR Palmer infestations in corn. First is to use at least two herbicides with good activity on Palmer amaranth. The second is to use these herbicides in a split application. Continue reading