Japanese beetles are getting more and more numerous, and like a lot of insects this year, populations are ahead of schedule. Japanese beetles will feed in corn, soybean and cotton. These showy beetles often hang out in groups and draw a lot of attention. Fortunately, they only occasionally cause yield loss in field crops. The beetles will feed on Continue reading
Category Archives: Corn
Aflaguard for Aflatoxin Prevention in Corn
With the continuing dry weather, I have had more inquiries about the use of Aflaguard as an aflatoxin preventative. Aflatoxin is more likely to develop in fields with a history of the disease where conditions are hot and dry at silking. Planting early, good fertility and using Bt hybrids to reduce insect stress on the crop can help reduce the chances for developing the disease. Unfortunately, this year planting early has not guaranteed us good moisture and temperatures are already running high for May so there is real concern among grain producers.
Scouting for Southwestern Corn Borer
Given the high moth catches in pheromone traps, particularly in the West Tennessee counties bordering Kentucky, there are certainly some non-Bt corn fields that are (or will be) infested with damaging populations of Continue reading
Crop Progress
As reported by NASS on May 14, 2012
Showers and thunderstorms provided some needed relief this weekend, but it has been so dry recently that all regions of the state continue to need a general soaking rain. Crops continue to develop at rapid rate well ahead of normal. Corn planting is complete, all emerged and in mostly good condition. Cotton and soybean planting and tobacco transplanting were the main farm activities last week. Fertilizing, spraying post-emergence herbicides and hay harvest were also major farm activities. The wheat crop is ripening and farmers expect to begin harvest within the next two weeks. Continue reading
UT Weed Tour
Dear Colleagues
The University of Tennessee Weed Tour will be on Thursday, June 21 at the West Tennessee Research & Education Center in Jackson, TN. Registration will start at 8:30 A.M. and the tour will begin at 9:00 A.M.. Continue reading
Moth Trapping … Southwestern Corn Borers Are Out Early
It is amazing how insect populations sync up with the crop. Like our corn crop, the first generation southwestern corn borer moth flight has started early. Usually it starts about now, but some folks have been catching moths in pheromone traps for a couple of weeks, and moth catches are higher than usual. Moth trapping data are linked under the “Quick Links” menu for SWCB, corn earworm (or bollworm), tobacco budworm and beet armyworm. Compared with this week last year, moth catches are Continue reading
Managing Corn in a Dry Spring
Some fields that missed showers for the ‘nth’ time this spring are dry without a doubt. The bigger corn is trying to twist during the warmest parts of the day and overall color is more variable even where side dress nitrogen has been applied. Continue reading
Early Season Dry Conditions and Irrigation?
From Chris Main, Brian Leib, David Verbree, and Larry Steckel.
Rainfall continues to be spotty across Tennessee. Some locations have continued to have adequate moisture while other areas continue to miss the passing thunderstorms. Continue reading