Category Archives: Corn

Palmer Amaranth Burndown Strategies

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Palmer amaranth started emerging last week.  Some of it is ½ to a 1” tall today April 22. Of course this is just the vanguard of the Palmer that will be coming.  Despite this early Palmer flush typically being less numbers per foot than later emergence events, it is the most important emergence event to control. Continue reading

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Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on April 15, 2013


Growers report corn planting progress has been set-back by a week and a half from normal and a full three weeks behind last year’s record pace due to cooler than normal temperatures and wet fields. Moderate weather finally returned late last week and accelerated the wheat and fruit crop development but these crops still remained behind normal development. Pastures were greening and growing rapidly and were rated in mostly good to excellent condition. Continue reading

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Recrop Intervals After Wheat Herbicides

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The 4 to 5” of rain much of West Tennessee saw last Thursday 4/11/13 was not good on the wheat, particularly in poorly drained fields. Winter wheat that went under water may have to be planted back to another crop. Knowing when and what herbicides were applied to flood damaged wheat is a major consideration on a potential recrop decision. Continue reading

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Corn Pre Applied Herbicide Considerations

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Judging by phone calls over the last week it seems there is some uncertainty in which weed control program to go with in corn. This is understandable given the tight herbicide supply commonly reported. The biggest confusion though seems to be when one had planned on using a certain premix and cannot get it what would be a good replacement? Continue reading

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Finally- Some Corn Planted

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Some progress made in planting corn- finally!  Producers have started planting the drier areas and most hope to be in full swing after we dry out from the rain tonight.  Good news- we will have great deep soil moisture to help the corn crop in May and June.  Bad news- corn prices have slipped and delays in planting mean some farmers are revisiting their planned corn acres.  Continue reading

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