With frustration levels running pretty high, some producers have quit planting corn and are looking at other options after this week. Others are watching corn prices and have the intention of continuing on at least through next week. This year has been tough going for all and continued wet weather and cool temps have delayed other crops, but I still think we have time to plant corn on our better ground. Continue reading
Category Archives: Corn
Nitrogen Loss in Wheat and Corn
Some wheat fields are looking less green than we hoped for but not surprising due to the continued mini-monsoons we keep winding up with. A good bit of the wheat crop is at the flag leaf stage meaning it is too late to add additional N at this point. Continue reading
A Watchful Eye for Slugs
Looking at one of my corn trials today was a reminder that slugs may be a bigger issue than usual this year. Cold damp weather coupled with slow seedling growth is a recipe for slug problems. Below are some things to keep in mind when thinking about slugs. Continue reading
A picture is worth a thousand words
I’m writing this article a little in jest, making fun of insect pictures that are texted or emailed to me for identification. However, with the good cameras available on many phones, a picture can really help. Continue reading
Corn Leaf Aphid in Seedling Corn
I’ve had several calls or comments about corn leaf aphids in corn (pictured below). This is the most common aphid found in corn, but treatment is rarely needed. A number of people have noticed that many aphids appear to be dead Continue reading
Crop Progress – Summarized from NASS
As reported by NASS on April 22, 2013
Corn producers made the most of the four days of planting weather last week but still lag behind where they would like to be. Planting is about a week behind the five-year average pace. Cotton and soybean plantings have yet to begin, but that is not unusual for this time of year. The wheat acreage has been top-dressed and was reported in good-to-excellent condition with the crop just starting to head. Continue reading
Palmer Amaranth Burndown Strategies
Palmer amaranth started emerging last week. Some of it is ½ to a 1” tall today April 22. Of course this is just the vanguard of the Palmer that will be coming. Despite this early Palmer flush typically being less numbers per foot than later emergence events, it is the most important emergence event to control. Continue reading
I thought I would put a plug in for a good article written by my counterpart at Mississippi State University (Dr. Angus Catchot). See this link for everything you wanted to know about calibration and more: Calibration Tips for Insecticides.