All posts by Larry Steckel, Extension Weed Specialist

ID and Burndown Options for Wild Garlic, Grape Hyacinch and Star-of-Bethlehem.

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Picture 1. Grape hyacinth infestation 2023

This spring some fields seem to be infested more heavily with wild garlic, grape hyacinth and in a few cases, star-of-Bethlehem. These three weeds, in the Lily family, are often mistaken for each other as they all derive from bulbs and are low-growing perennials. Continue reading

PRE and POST Options for Prickly Sida (Tea Weed) Control in Soybean

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Prickly sida or tea weed has increasingly become more of an issue in soybeans.   There are two reasons for this.  First, the Group 15 herbicides (Dual Mag, Warrant, Zidua) are the most common PRE-applied herbicides utilized.  Though that group of herbicides provides good residual control of pigweed and grasses, it provides no help on sida.  Second, is that glyphosate nor dicamba has ever been very effective on this weed.  The only POST option that can give some control is Liberty.  However, even Liberty is limited to controlling only very small (<3”) prickly sida. Continue reading

It is “Burndown Time in Tennessee.”

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Failed glyphosate + dicamba burndown on ryegrass before corn planting in 2022

The combination of some lingering supply chain issues, most notably Sharpen and Verdict are in tight supply, with the ever-increasing presence of herbicide resistant weeds has made burndown time more of a challenge. On a positive note, glyphosate is in great supply and down in price about 40% compared to last year. Continue reading

Metribuzin Injury in Wheat

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Picture 1. Metribuzin at 3 oz/A burning up wheat on end of field with soil that has higher sand content

We have gotten several reports of wheat showing metribuzin injury this week.  In some cases it clearly was caused by metribuzin (Picture 1). In other cases, the visual injury would suggest frost damage (Picture 2). Continue reading

New Regulation on Atrazine Public Comment Period Closes October 7.

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The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed additional mitigations and regulations on the use of atrazine.  The open comment period will close this Friday October 7.   If you are interested in commenting see this link. I know that it is a very busy time of year but please consider making a comment on this topic. You all are the experts since you steward this herbicide, on many acres, each spring and your comments have more value than many that are sent. Continue reading

Weed Management Report Card 2022

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Picture 1. Palmer amaranth that escaped Warrant PRE fb/Engenia + Roundup + Outlook Post fb/Liberty + Roundup 2nd Post

Every fall we travel around the state and observe the overall success or failure of weed control in our row crops. From the Palmer amaranth standpoint a few too many fields look like a failure.  Particularly, from Gibson county across to Lauderdale county cotton and soybean fields ranged from clean fields to fields with more weeds than one would like (Picture 1) to completely grown up pigweed messes (Picture 2). Continue reading

Dicamba-Resistant Waterhemp Becoming a Real Issue in Middle Tennessee Counties Bordering Kentucky

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Picture 1. Montgomery County 2020: Waterhemp that escaped multiple applications of Engenia + Glyphosate

For the past several weeks we are getting reports of waterhemp escaping dicamba application/s from retailers and consultants scouting fields in Montgomery and Macon counties.  As one retailer so aptly described it today “combines have spread it and we are fighting it all over the county now”. Continue reading