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UT Weed Tour

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Dear Colleagues

Just a quick reminder that The University of Tennessee Weed Tour will be next Thursday, June 21 at the West Tennessee Research & Education Center in Jackson, TN.  Registration will start at 8:30 A.M. and the tour will begin at 9:00 A.M.. Continue reading

Comments on the July 12 USDA Supply & Demand Report

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This is somewhat an historic day in the annuls of USDA reports and the futures market as today marked the first day that the markets were trading as the USDA Supply & Demand reports were released. Trading opened up at the CME Group at 7:20 a.m. in anticipation of the 7:30 a.m. report release. There were not a lot of surprises in today’s report, so this probably was a good day for it to start. Continue reading

Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on June 11, 2012


Wheat harvest is going strong with many farmers reporting excellent yields, except for some spotty areas that were hurt by the late April frost. Taking advantage of moisture received early in the week, planters have been chasing combines to plant double crop soybeans. Corn has entered a critical growth stage as it begins to silk and tassel, but more moisture is needed in some areas for proper development. Vegetable crops were reported as starting to show signs of stress from dry conditions. Many crops continue to be rated in mostly good condition after temporary relief was provided by rain showers across most of the state. Continue reading

Management Strategies to Improve Control of Palmer Amaranth with Liberty Herbicide

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Newly Emerged Palmer Amaranth that Escaped Warrant Applied 5 Days Ago

​Weed control has become very expensive in many cotton fields.  I walked into a number of cotton fields, last week, that from the first burndown to date have close to $100/A in herbicide already applied. Unfortunately, some are not done yet. Part of the issue is the poor residual control in some fields from non-activated post-applied Dual or Warrant(Picture Left).  Another issue is in some fields 2 to 6” Palmer amaranth is regrowing after Liberty applications. Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Corn, cotton, soybean, and wheat prices are all up for the week. The June U.S. Dollar Index before the close was at 82.58, down 0.40 for the week but up 0.46 for the day. The Dow Jones Industrial Average traded before the close at 12,526, up 407 points since last Friday. Crude Oil before the close traded at 84.39 a barrel, up 1.15 a barrel for the week. Contributing to the markets rally this week has been weather concerns in the Midwest, mixed financial news from Europe, interest rate drop in China , and most likely positioning ahead of the June 12 USDA Supply & Demand report. The CME Group announced that starting June 25 they will extend the close of open outcry or pit trading to 2 p.m. to coincide with electronic trading. Continue reading

Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Spreading in East Tennessee

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There have been several more reports of glyphosate-resistant (GR) Palmer amaranth being found in East Tennessee.  In some cases it is being found for the first time in new areas of counties already known to have GR Palmer.  In other case it is being found for the first time in a county (Coffee County).  Continue reading