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Cotton Planting Forecast 5/13 to 5/18

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Cotton Planting Forecast 5/13 to 5/18: We did have a small window to plant this past week. A little cotton and corn was planted during that time.  Hopefully, the cotton will establish a stand with all the rain on Friday. It is hard to imagine right now, with all the rain coming down today (5/10), but this next week is by far the most favorable forecast we have had to plant this spring.  Continue reading

Cover Crop Burndown Applications

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Paraquat (48 fl oz/A) + NIS (0.25%)
Paraquat (48 fl oz/A) + NIS (0.25%)

Some reports of ineffective burndown applications to winter annual cover crops (winter wheat, cereal rye, hairy vetch, crimson clover, etc.) have been coming in.  Even in our research at the West Tennessee Research and Education Center cover crops have proven difficult to control with a single pass of the sprayer.  Paraquat and glyphosate are the typical go-to herbicides for this type of burndown application, but neither has proven consistently effective this spring. Continue reading

Crop Progress – Summarized from NASS

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As reported by NASS on May 6, 2013


Early in the week farmers continued to plant corn only to be set back once again by rain. Many low-lying acres were flooded late in the week, leading some the need to re-plant their corn crop. Other farmers reported that they may switch to soybeans since it is late in the calendar. Continue reading