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Palmer Amaranth Management Critical Over the Next 3 Weeks

I know this has been a frustrating planting season to say the least.  Replanting has been more the rule than the exception this spring.  There have been reports of fields that were first planted to corn then replanted to cotton and now will likely be replanted to soybean. With all the troubles planting and replanting this spring please do not forget to manage Palmer amaranth or you may have to replant yet again just to control the pigweed.  These June weather conditions are shaping up to be a perfect Palmer amaranth storm!  Continue reading

Crop Progress – Summarized from NASS

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As reported by NASS on June 3, 2013


With corn planting about completed, growers shifted their focus last week to other farm activities such as soybean and cotton planting, hay harvest, and tobacco transplanting. The 6 days suitable for field work this past week allowed growers to make tremendous progress in all endeavors. Continue reading

Managing Corn, Cotton and Soybean Replant

We had quite a bit of cotton planted, some late corn planted and a start to soybean planting the week of May 13th that was abruptly cut short by 3 plus inches of rain and yet another cold spell on May 20.   This caused quite a bit of replanting in all three crops this week particularly in cotton and soybean. The question arises about the best way to remove the partial sickly stand before the new planting emerges. Continue reading

Crop Progress – Summarized from NASS

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As reported by NASS on May 28, 2013


Early last week was marked by scattered showers across the state, which hampered progress in the fields; however, farmers were able to rebound nicely with sunny conditions later in the week. Many farmers across the state finished planting and replanting corn, while others applied side dressing applications where conditions would allow. Continue reading