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Crop Progress – Summarized from NASS

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As reported by NASS on November 12, 2013


Cold and rainy conditions this fall have delayed soybean and particularly cotton harvests in the majority of the State this season.  The lag in the harvests of these crops has had the additional effect of delayed wheat seedings.  Despite this, yields continue to be reported as above average. Continue reading

Profitability Outlook Update for 2014

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As producers start to wrap up 2013 harvest, decisions for 2014 will soon need to be made. Of immediate attention is the decision of whether to plant wheat. The recommended planting window will soon be closing. Other decisions will soon focus on variety selection for 2014 as suppliers generally start booking the varieties for the next year. Considering those decisions, the 2014 crop plan has definitely started as producers start sketching out their 2014 cropping plan. Continue reading

Tobacco Thrips Resistance to Cruiser

Syngenta has recently confirmed the presence of resistance to thiamethoxam in populations of tobacco thrips collected from the Mid South. Thiamethoxam is the active ingredient used for thrips control on cotton seed treated with Cruiser, Cruiser Avicta, and Acceleron N.  It is also the active ingredient used as Cruiser in soybean and corn. This discovery comes as no surprise in Tennessee as thrips control failures on Cruiser treated cotton seed have become more and more common during the past few years. Continue reading

Crop Progress – Summarized from NASS

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As reported by NASS on November 4, 2013


Frost continues to bring benefits in the form of helping cotton dry down and open. Soybean, corn, and cotton harvests continue, with above average yields being reported for all. Rain delayed harvest last week and kept producers out of the fields for at least one day across most of the State. Activities last week included wheat seeding and cotton defoliation. Continue reading