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Thinking Ahead – Thrips Management in Cotton

Thrips-cottonIt’s now old news that tobacco thrips in much of the Mid South have apparently developed resistance to thiamethoxam, the insecticide component used in several cotton seed treatments including Cruiser, Avicta Complete, and Acceleron N. Control failures with thiamethoxam were documented in several experiments throughout the Mid South this past season So what does this mean for thrips management in 2014? Continue reading

Sampling Supplies – Sweep Nets, Southwestern Corn Borer

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I get several questions each year about sources for sweep nets and pheromone trapping supplies, especially for southwestern corn borer. We get ours from Great Lakes IPM ( I’ve included specific links below, but there are other sources including Gemplers (sweep net and bucket traps) and Forestry Suppliers (for sweep nets). Continue reading

Burndown Questions

It finally looks like this long winter is coming to a close.  We will likely start putting out burndown applications this week.  We are well behind the burndown pace of most Tennessee springs where at least some would have burndown applications applied by this time.   However, this was not a typical winter and as such we are not behind with respect to weed maturity. Continue reading