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Tennessee Market Highlights

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Cotton was up; corn, wheat, and soybeans were mixed for the week. December corn has been trading sideways since July 21 in a range of $3.60 to $3.85 per bushel. Yield estimates from the Midwest Crop Tour for corn have been above 2013 yields with the exception of South Dakota (2014:152 bpa vs. 2013:161 bpa) and Minnesota (2014:170 bpa vs. 2013:181 bpa). Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights


Moth Trapping Report (Corn Earworm are Flying)

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This will be the last week that moth trapping data will be reported (link here).  Results from last week indicate the the corn earworm (bollworm) flight has finally kicked off, but trap catches last week varied considerably from 2 – 213 moths per trap.  The hot spots appear to be Continue reading

Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on August 18, 2014


While rains and cooler temperatures occurred throughout most other parts of the state, dry conditions continued in the southern parts of Middle Tennessee, causing stress on row crops and pastures. Statewide, insect pressure increased slightly, but still remained light compared to historic levels. Lower night-time temperatures slowed cotton progress. Continue reading at Crop Progress 8 17 14.

Grain Sorghum Harvest Aid Options

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Desiccant options for grain sorghum are more limited than other crops.  Basically we are limited to glyphosate or sodium chlorate.  Aim herbicide can be included with another material where morningglory vines are dense enough to interfere with the combine.  Gramoxone is not labeled for desiccation of grain sorghum.

Glyphosate products:  apply only after seed have reached 30% moisture content or less and harvest is at least 7 days out.  Rates are from 32 oz to 64 oz/A in 10 to 20 gallons water per acre by ground or 3 to 10 gallons water per acre by air.  Glyphosate is a slow acting material and has not been shown to measurably reduce seed moisture in small plot research.  It should not be used on sorghum grown for seed production.

Sodium chlorate products:  apply 7 to 10 days before harvest at labeled rate.  There are a number of products available that have different rates of active ingredient.  Consider using the higher recommended rate if applying when weather is cloudy and/or damp.



Section 18 Granted for Transform in Sorghum

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I am pleased to announce the fast action of the Tennessee Department of Agriculture and the EPA in approving a specific exemption allowing the use of Transform WG for the control of sugarcane aphids in sorghum.  Some specific label requirements are below. You may view the complete authorization letter here. Continue reading