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Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on September 21, 2015

Dry weather across the state allowed corn and grain sorghum harvest to resume, with good yields being reported. Cotton farmers began defoliating in anticipation of the upcoming harvest. Soybeans were dropping leaves. Hay harvest continued, with conditions being almost perfect for baling. Cattle were doing well, but producers were concerned about dropping prices. Continue reading at Crop Progress 9 20 15.

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Weekly Crop Comments for September 18, 2015

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Corn and cotton were down; soybeans and wheat were mixed for the week. Harvest corn futures prices retreated almost 20 cents from last week’s high of $3.95 on Tuesday.  This retreat eliminated last week’s entire 13-18 cent bump which resulted from the September WASDE and Crop Production reports. As harvest progresses north, we will likely see prices continue to slide lower and challenge the December contract low of $3.57 ½ on August 12th. Harvest weather conditions will be closely watched, as will variation in yield as harvest picks up in the Corn Belt.  Continue reading at Weekly Crop Comments.

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Tennessee Market Highlights

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FED CATTLE: Fed cattle traded $5 lower on a live basis compared to a week ago. Live prices were mainly $135 to $136 while dressed trade occurred between $210 and $213. The 5-area weighted average prices thru Thursday were $135.07 live, down $4.91 from last week and $213.25 dressed, down $6.84 from a week ago. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights. Crop comments will be posted on September 21.

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Stink Bugs and Soybean Aphids in Late Soybean

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Soybean Aphids are occurring in some very late soybean fields in the northwest corner of West Tennessee. I’ve had several reports from Dyer and Lake Counties. This is the first time we’ve seen significant soybean aphid numbers in this part of the state. In some years, we’ve seen treatment levels in Middle Tennessee. This invasive pest drifts down from the north and Continue reading

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Monthly Crop Outlook & Profitability Outlook Update

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September 11, 2015 – USDA World Supply and Demand Estimates


Projected 2015/16 U.S. feed grain supplies are reduced this month with lower forecast corn production more than offsetting a small increase for sorghum. Corn production is forecast 101 million bushels lower with the national average yield expected at 167.5 bushels per acre, down 1.3 bushels from the August forecast. Continue reading at Monthly Crop Outlook & Profitability Outlook Update for comments on the September 12th USDA report and early look at the 2016 Profitability Outllok.

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Crop Progress

Field crop harvest was well underway last week until interrupted by rain. A wide range of corn yields were reported across the State. In some areas of West Tennessee, corn needs little drying because of earlier dry weather. The rain improved pasture conditions going into fall. Grain sorghum harvest continued. Continue reading at Crop Progress 9 13 15.

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2015 Mid-South Cotton Defoliation Guide now available

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Tennessee’s 2015 cotton c2015_defol_guiderop has taken advantage of the hot summer and many of our acres will receive the first shot of defoliant in the next two weeks.  Fortunately, this puts the average acre 10-14 days ahead of last year.  With a favorable 10 day forecast on this the 14th day of Sept., the first part of our defoliation window looks very good!   Keep in mind that warmer temperatures generally reduce rates and increase the predictability of the application.  Also, we will likely need less ethephon (especially in the earlier planted acres) compared to last year.  Given the crop is mature and ready to defoliate, making these applications in warmer conditions can result in higher quality at a lower price. Win-win. Continue reading

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September 1 Tennessee Crop Production Forecast

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RELEASED: September 11, 2015

September 1 Tennessee Crop Production Forecast

Corn production in Tennessee is forecast at 140 million bushels, unchanged from the August forecast and down 1 percent from the previous crop. Yield was estimated at 165.0 bushels per acre, unchanged bushels from last month and down 3.0 bushels from the 2014 level. Acres for harvest as grain were estimated at 850,000 acres, up 10,000 acres from 2014. The U.S. corn production is forecast at 13.6 billion bushels, down 1 percent from the August forecast and down 4 percent from 2014. Based on conditions as of September 1, yields are expected to average 167.5 bushels per acre, down 1.3 bushels from last month and down 3.5 bushels from 2014. Area harvested for grain is forecast at 81.1 million acres, unchanged from the August forecast and down 2 percent from 2014. Continue reading at SepCrop15_TN.

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