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Crop Progress


Producers made up for some lost time in the field last week after the previous week’s rainfall over much of the state. Cotton defoliation continued as harvest moved up 10 percent from the previous mark. Good yields for all crops continue to be reported. Continue reading at Crop Progress 10 11 15.

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Defoliation Strip Trial Ratings/Summary

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155A few weeks ago two defoliation strip trials were established in West TN.  One of these was placed in Crockett County and another was placed in  Gibson County.  Additional information on these trials can be found by reading the 22 Sept and 24 Sept posts.  After application, I returned to rate the treatments Continue reading

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Market Highlights

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Soybeans and cotton were up; corn was down; and wheat was mixed for the week. On Friday the USDA released the October World Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) and Crop Production reports. Overall, the report provided mixed news across commodities, however in general the report failed to provide the bullish news, particularly for corn, that many were hoping would result in a futures price rally.  Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

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Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on October 4, 2015

Producers lost time in the field last week due to rainfall over much of the State. The rains boosted pasture condition to mostly good to excellent. The rains were also beneficial to seeded wheat. Cotton defoliation continued but little was harvested last week. Good yields for corn and soybeans continue to be reported. Continue reading at Crop Progress 10 4 15.

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Market Highlights

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Wheat was up; soybeans were down; cotton and corn were mixed for the week. Corn and soybeans traded sideways this week in ranges of 11 and 34 cents, respectively. December cotton futures continued to trade in the recently established 59.5-61.5 cent range, although we are likely to see a return back to 62-68 cent range in the not too distant future.  Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

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