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Supply and Demand Estimates and Profitability Outlook

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This link to Supply & Demand Estimates and Profitability Outlook  contains a summary of the USDA’s monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report. Domestic balance sheets for corn, soybeans, cotton, and wheat are displayed along with price reaction in futures markets for each commodity on the day of the report release. Additionally, supply and demand estimates for key importing and exporting countries are provided for the current month along with change in estimates from the previous report. The Profitability Outlook section contains estimated returns per acre for each commodity based on 2015 Tennessee state average/trend yields and current price offerings (note: cotton prices include a seed and hauling rebate). Variable expenses are based on the University of Tennessee Extension 2016 Row Crop Budgets. Prices are updated monthly; expenses are updated as warranted during the year and may be different than the expenses contained in the 2016 Row Crop Budgets. This section provides an estimation of the current relative profitability amongst major row crops in Tennessee.

The report is prepared monthly by Dr. Aaron Smith and Chuck Danehower.

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Tennessee Market Highlights

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Corn and cotton were down; soybeans and wheat were up for the week. In general, export sales have improved in recent weeks, however not as much as required to meet the current USDA annual export forecasts. Currently, the USDA projects 2015/16 marketing year exports (and change from last marketing year) to be: corn -1.65 billion bushels (down 11%); soybeans – 1.69 billion bushels (down 8%); cotton – 9.5 million bales (down 16%); and wheat – 0.78 billion bushels (down 9%). Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights

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UT Commodity Newsletter 3/3/2016

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West Tennessee grain bids are in the attached PDF located at the bottom of the article.

Corn: Corn exports were reported to be up from last week in the latest export inspection report released today by the USDA. This week’s total exports was higher than anticipated and helped corn futures close a little higher today. The price discovery period for crop insurance ended February 29, 2016. Based on December corn futures, the price for Continue reading

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Cotton Variety Characteristics/Management Descriptions

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At the 2016 Cotton Focus event, Dr. Darrin Dodds, Cotton Specialist from Mississippi State University, presented a summary of the characteristics of the commercially available varieties available for the 2016 season. I have attached those tables to this blog and taken the liberty of highlighting those varieties which are most likely to fit our short-season environments here in Tennessee. Continue reading

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PPO Herbicides and Application Time of Day

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Last summer we talked about how application time of day (TOD) can effect more herbicides than just Liberty (link here). Initial results indicated that for Flexstar, Blazer, and Cobra applications made in the middle of the day were more effective than applications made at sunrise or sunset. Over the winter, we have been further investigating this concept in the greenhouse. Continue reading

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2015 Planted Acreage for Corn, Cotton, Grain Sorghum, Soybeans, and Wheat in Tennessee by County

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A new publication has been released detailing the 2015 planted acreage for corn, cotton, grain sorghum, soybeans, and wheat in Tennessee by County. To review this publication go to 2015 Planted Acreage in Tennessee.

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