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UT Cotton Scout School, May 27th

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The annual UT Cotton Scout School will be held on Friday, May 27th in Room A at the West Tennessee Research and Education Center (605 Airways Blvd, Jackson). Registration will begin at 8:00 AM with the official program starting at 8:30. It will end with a lunch, but those interested can attend a short  ‘go to the field’ session Continue reading

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Crop Progress – NASS Tennessee

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Wet weather and hail brought unfavorable consequences, primarily to Tennessee’s spring planted crops. Several thousand acres of soybeans, corn, and cotton were replanted because of wet soils that prevented seed emergence or caused seed to rot in the ground. Several tobacco growers had hail damage to their newly set tobacco plants. Pastures responded well to recent rains. Spring calving is at a steady pace. Topsoil moisture was 1 percent very short, 14 percent short, 66 percent adequate and 19 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture levels were 2 percent very short, 12 percent short, 75 percent adequate, and 11 percent surplus. Continue reading at TN_05_16_16.

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Webcast on Managing Thrips in Cotton

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Cotton Incorporated and the Plant Management Network have released another “Focus on Cotton” video.  In this video, Dr. Michael Toews from the University of Georgia discusses thrips management in the Southeast. Many of his comments would be relevant to the Mid-South.  You can directly access the video below or go to the Focus on Cotton Webpage.

Watch Presentation (33 min 28 sec) – Thrips Management in the Southeast US

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