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Sugarcane Aphid Update

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Grain sorghum acres are way down this year, but those who are growing sorghum should start scouting for sugarcane aphids now. Based on my counterparts reports in more southern states, I suspect there are already low numbers of aphids in some fields. This pest thrives in hot weather, so populations can spread and build quickly. Serious infestations that go untreated can cause catastrophic yield loss. Continue reading

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Tennessee Market Highlights

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Corn, soybeans, cotton, and wheat were down for the week. Weather and macro-economic factors triggered large declines in grains and oilseeds this week. Increased rain forecasted for most of the Corn Belt and the U.K. vote to leave the E.U. were major market movers this week. Both of these factors will continue to weigh on commodity markets as there is a tremendous amount of uncertainty moving forward for both. Continue reading at

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UT Crop Market Update 6/23/2016

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Corn: Since the market’s open on Monday morning, September corn futures have declined by $0.48. What exactly caused this decline? The short answer to that question is weather. The forecast for the Midwest has improved and the talk of La Nina has started to disappear. It is too early to say whether we have made a good corn crop or not. Continue reading

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Crop Progress – Tennessee and U.S.

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Continued dry weather over most of the State last week allowed producers to make great harvest progress with wheat and hay, and had the additional effect of preventing producers from planting soybeans following wheat because of the dry soil. With some scattered showers, early planted corn is tasseling while other corn is twisting and beginning to show signs of heat stress. There were 6.2 days suitable for field work. Continue reading the Tennessee Crop Progress at TN_06_20_16. The U.S. Crop Progress report can be read at  CropProg-06-20-2016.

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Tennessee Market Highlights

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Corn was up; wheat and soybeans were down; and cotton was mixed for the week. Markets will continue to focus on weather. At present, the long term weather forecast (for July-September) has above average temperatures and normal precipitation for most of the Corn Belt and mid-South. This sets the stage for continued volatility in corn and soybeans. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

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