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Spider Mites and Plant Bugs in Cotton

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It’s shaping up to be a busy year managing plant bugs, but I’m also seeing and hearing about spider mites in some fields. I’ve previously discussed insecticide selection for plant bugs (see linked articles below). Now that almost all of the cotton is blooming, you should begin focusing on immature plant bugs when you sample. I prefer using Continue reading

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Comments on USDA WASDE report & Profitability Update

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July 12, 2016 – USDA World Supply and Demand Estimates

Corn Projected 2016/17 U.S. feed grain supplies are raised this month as lower beginning stocks are more than offset by increased production. Corn beginning stocks for 2016/17 are lowered 7 million bushels as reductions in 2015/16 feed and residual use and use for ethanol production are more than offset by increases in exports and seed use. Corn production for 2016/17 is projected 110 million bushels higher reflecting the increased planted and harvested areas from the June 30 Acreage report. Continue reading at Monthly Crop Outlook.

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Crop Progress – Tennessee and U.S.

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Rains in the Eastern portion of the State brought relief to crops, and also fortified pastures which in turn improved cattle conditions. More mixed weather conditions dominated Middle Tennessee, where some soybeans had to be replanted and some corn fields were lost due to dry temperatures. In other areas of Middle Tennessee, heavy rains prevented field work and slowed tobacco topping. Crops in West Tennessee, while making good progress, still need a good soaking rain. Continue reading Tennessee NASS report at TN_07_11_16. The U.S. Crop Progress report can be read at CropProg-07-11-2016.

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Tennessee Market Highlights

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Corn and soybeans were down; cotton and wheat were up for the week. In spite of large gains in harvest futures on Friday (14 and 33 cents for Dec corn and Nov soybeans, respectively), corn and soybeans still finished the week down 5 cents and 80 cents, respectively. Beneficial rainfall covered most of the key U.S. production regions the past two weeks alleviating concerns about potential dry weather and dramatically reducing the likelihood of lower yields. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

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UT Crop Market Update 7/7/2016

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Corn: This week’s decline in commodity prices can be blamed on the weather. Favorable forecasts for the Midwest continue to persist and it is keeping downward pressure on corn futures. Couple that with the anticipation of a large crop and you have a recipe for lower corn prices. Of course, the size of the overall crop will be determined by how much rainfall is received across the corn belt. Forecasts appear favorable for pollination with plenty of rain and milder temperatures in the lineup. Continue reading

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