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Entering Crunch Time for Scouting Soybean Insects

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It’s the time of year where soybean insects are much more likely to cause us problems, and it is important to vigilantly scout. Although stink bug populations are behind schedule, they are becoming more common. I’ve received numerous questions about a complex of pests including Continue reading

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Report Finds of Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs

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I’m just putting the word out to report any finds of brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB). This is especially for those located in the western one-half of the state. This invasive pest is well established in the eastern parts of the state, around Nashville, and has been found in at low numbers in soybean in Shelby (2015) and Madison Counties (2016). However, Continue reading

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Crop Progress – Tennessee and U.S.

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Hot, humid weather prevailed over the state with scattered showers bringing moisture to some areas, but leaving others dry. Corn continued to dry down with some producers anticipating harvest beginning in the next few weeks. Soybean producers were busy scouting for disease and insects and applying fungicides. Some cattle producers in the drier areas were already feeding hay, leading to concerns about hay supplies. Continue reading Tennessee NASS report at TN_08_15_16. The U.S. Crop Progress report can be read at CropProg-08-15-2016.

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Crisis Exemption Label for Sivanto Prime in Sweet Sorghum

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I’ve been a little slow at posting the Emergency Exemption label that allows the use of Sivanto prime in sweet sorghum (link to 2016 Crisis Exemption Sivanto).  The important details of this label are listed below.  The standard recommended use rate is 4-5 oz of Sivanto prime per acre.

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Tennessee Market Highlights & Monthly Crop Outlook

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Corn and cotton were down; soybeans and wheat were up for the week. On Friday, the USDA released the August WASDE and Crop Production reports. Corn yields were increased 7.1 bu/acre from the July report to 175.1 bu/acre, an all-time record. If realized corn yields would be 6.7 bu/acre higher than last year and produce a record crop of 15.15 billion bushels. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.  Monthly Crop Comments on the August 12th USDA  WASDE report including a Profitability Update can be found at Tennessee Monthly Crop Outlook.


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