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Crop Progress – Tennessee and U.S.

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Hot, dry conditions last week allowed farmers to make great head-way with corn harvest, more than doubling progress from last week. Tobacco producers cut an additional 16 percent more tobacco since last week. Corn yields have been greatly variable depending on where earlier rains occurred. The hot, dry weather has caused some producers to feed hay, while others in less weather stressed areas have made an additional cutting. Cotton and soybean harvest has begun in a few areas. Continue reading Tennessee NASS report at tn_09_12_16. The U.S. Crop Progress report can be read at cropprog-09-12-2016.

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UT Commodity Market Update 9/9/2016

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Corn: Since the market’s open on Monday, December corn futures have increased by $0.18. Corn prices have rallied on the expectation that the USDA will be forced to cut back their national yield projections. USDA is scheduled to release their monthly report and the trade is anticipating that report will include news of a lower corn production forecast. USDA currently has the corn harvest at 15.15 billion bushels. However, Reuters took a survey of analysts that indicated that the average trade estimate for the corn crop is 15.027 billion bushels. Corn harvest is underway in Kentucky, Tennessee, and parts of Illinois. Continue reading

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If you’re mulling wheat planting for 2017, consider this

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While a complete cropping plan for 2017 doesn’t have to be decided right now, it does need to be lined out on acres being considered for wheat production.

Essentially the decision will have to be made this fall whether to plant wheat and probably double crop with soybeans or to plant a different crop in the spring of 2017. A lot of decisions to be made now even before we know how the 2016 crop year will came out. Continue reading at Southeast Farm Press.

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Tennessee Market Highlights

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Corn, soybeans, cotton, and wheat were up for the week. December corn futures have rebounded 27 cents since the contract low on August 31of $3.14 ¾. Looking at cash prices, Lower-middle Tennessee has a 10 to 40 cent premium over other regions in the state due to abnormally dry conditions earlier this summer and strong local demand from the poultry industry. So far, yields in Lower-middle Tennessee have been extremely variable. In Northwest and Upper middle Tennessee yields will be more consistent and average yields should run at or slightly above trend line (155-165 bu/acre). Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

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2016 Mid-South Cotton Defoliation Guide

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defolguideTennessee’s 2016 cotton crop is rapidly maturing and many of our acres will receive the first shot of defoliant in the next week.  There are many factors to consider in determining timing, products and rates.   In an effort to outline these decisions and provide harvest aid recommendations for the Mid-South, the 2016 Mid-South Cotton Defoliation Guide has just been updated and is now available online.   To access the guide, click the image above or the included link.  Please keep in mind that this was compiled as a regional guide and should be used in conjunction with your previous experiences. Continue reading

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Crop Progress – Tennessee and U.S.

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Dry weather allowed farmers to make excellent progress harvesting corn and tobacco and cutting hay. Corn yields varied wildly as some fields have received adequate rainfall while others have not. Soybean fields were browning and cotton bolls were beginning to crack open. Farmers in southern Middle Tennessee were still having trouble with sugarcane aphids and armyworms. Pasture conditions held steady.  Continue reading Tennessee NASS report at TN_09_06_16. The U.S. Crop Progress report can be read at CropProg-09-06-2016.

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Target Spot and Boll Drop – The Knowns and Unknowns

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Authored by Heather M. Kelly, Extension Plant Pathologist and Tyson Raper, Cotton and Small Grains Specialist

The abnormally warm and wet conditions in the Mid-South during August have contributed to the highest level of target spot-driven defoliation in commercial fields to date. Still, the majority of Tennessee’s cotton will not see a yield penalty from the disease due to a late onset and very low levels of defoliation.  Continue reading

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