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Sugarcane Aphid Tolerant Sorghum Hybrids

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Although it appears grain sorghum acres will be quite low in Tennessee during 2017, a list of sorghum hybrids with tolerance to sugarcane aphid have been developed. You can access this list on the United Sorghum Checkoff Program website at the link below. Continue reading

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Managing a New Kind of Risk

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In agriculture, we are constantly faced with risk. Farmers are faced with the risk of adverse weather conditions, volatile commodity markets, and many other production risks. As an Extension Farm Management Specialist, I try to communicate to producers the options they have to reduce their overall risk exposure.

I like to narrow down the areas of risk that farmers must manage to two main areas: financial risk and production risk.

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Tennessee Market Highlights

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Corn, soybeans, and wheat were down; cotton was up for the week.
At this week’s USDA Agricultural Outlook Forum acreage estimates for 2017 were: 88 million acres of soybeans – up 4.6 million from last year; 90 million acres of corn – down 4.0 million from last year; and wheat 46 million acres- down 4.2 million from last year.
For corn, 2017 estimates were: yield of 170.7 bu/acre (down 3.9 bu/acre from 2016); production at 14.065 billion bushels (down 1.083 billion bushels from 2016); and ending stocks at 2.215 billion bushels (down 105 million bushels 2016). Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

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3 reasons explain (in part) the financial optimism for 2017 crops

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Has the tide turned for row crop producers? Profitability is looking better for cotton, corn and soybeans.

Tennessee producers at Extension meetings appear to have a guarded optimism toward 2017 production. While there may be many reasons for that optimism, there are at least three that stick out:

No. 1 – Prices have remained stable to slightly higher. For soybeans and grain, this seems to fly in the face of large supplies and projected ending stocks. We would have to go back 10-12 years for the last time ending stocks were this high for soybeans and corn. Continue reading at Southeast Farm Press.

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USDA to Collect Data on Farmland Rental Rates

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USDA to Collect Data on Farmland Rental Rates

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Beginning this month, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s
National Agricultural Statistics Service will contact Tennessee farmers to gather land
rental rate information for the Cash Rents and Leases survey. The results of this survey
will serve as a valuable decision-making tool for farmers and can be used for 2018
rental agreement negotiations. Continue reading at TN Cash Rents.

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Tennessee Market Highlights

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Corn, soybeans, cotton, and wheat were down for the week. Compared to last year at this time corn and soybean harvest futures are trading approximately $0.05/bu and $1.25/bu higher, respectively. This will have direct implications in planted acreage this spring. The difference in prices will also alter the revenue guarantee relationship, provided through crop insurance, which will be a key factor for many Midwest and Delta producers. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

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