Category Archives: Wheat

Crop Progress

Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on April 7, 2014


 Persistent rain in most corn planting areas of the State minimized or prevented producer’s ability to get as much of the crop planted as planned, as confirmed by an average of 3.5 days suitable for field work last week. The warmer weather in some areas was welcome as it helped greening of pastures. Continue reading

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Cover Crop Burndown 2014

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Cereal Rye - Roundup Powermax 32 oz/a - 14 Days After Application
Cereal Rye – Roundup Powermax 32 oz/a – 14 Days After Application

Spring time is finally here and it is time to consider terminating winter-annual cover crops.  Many people have been questioning the timing of cover crop termination.  Much of West Tennessee has encountered a cool and wet spring, which has limited the biomass accumulated by the cover crops when compared to the last several warmer winter/springs.  So do we delay cover crop termination to get more growth or wait? Continue reading

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Herbicide Cut-Offs by Wheat Maturity

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The wheat maturity stage across Tennessee varies quite a bit. Much of the variance is due to the wide range of planting dates last fall coupled with the cold winter which has really checked up growth particularly of later planted fields. Unfortunately, you really have to squint to see the wheat in some of these later planted fields.  A good bit of the Tennessee wheat crop falls into this category.  However, there were some more timely planted wheat fields last fall and this wheat looks good and is well on its way to getting to the first node.  This maturity stage of wheat is a major cut-off point for many herbicides used in wheat. Continue reading

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New Publications: Soybean Variety Trials and Insect Control Recommendations

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Results of the 2013 Soybean Variety Performance Tests in Tennessee have been posted at


The 2014 Insect Control Recommendations for Field Crops (PB 1768) is now available online.  Hard copies of this publication are not yet available.


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