Category Archives: Wheat

Will We Farm Every Acre in 2016?

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In tough economic times, producers review their cost structure to determine what crops are profitable. In a year like 2016, some farmers are going a step further and looking at each individual field to decide what is the best option for that particular farm. On land that is deemed to be more marginal, what is the best option? Should that ground even be farmed? Could it be enrolled in CRP for a greater return? Read the following article for more considerations on this topic: Will We Farm Every Acre in 2016

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2015 Planted Acreage for Corn, Cotton, Grain Sorghum, Soybeans, and Wheat in Tennessee by County

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A new publication has been released detailing the 2015 planted acreage for corn, cotton, grain sorghum, soybeans, and wheat in Tennessee by County. To review this publication go to 2015 Planted Acreage in Tennessee.

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Wheat, Aphids, and Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus

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It’s the time of year.  A late winter insecticide application for the control of aphids in wheat often results in a yield increase.  I typically recommend an application before the end of the month. UT data suggests this reduces or delays barley yellow dwarf virus. A late winter insecticide application  Continue reading

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