Category Archives: Weeds

Should Weed Control be Suspended due to the Drought?

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The drought of 2012 is shaping up to be one of those widespread tough ones no one forgets, like 1983 or 1988. Hopefully, we will get a good general rain here shortly.  This drought has been the source of calls from frustrated folks who are still trying to control Palmer amaranth.  The question has been asked should I discontinue weed control with the yield potential of my crops going down every day. Continue reading

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UT Weed Tour

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Dear Colleagues

Just a quick reminder that The University of Tennessee Weed Tour will be next Thursday, June 21 at the West Tennessee Research & Education Center in Jackson, TN.  Registration will start at 8:30 A.M. and the tour will begin at 9:00 A.M.. Continue reading

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Management Strategies to Improve Control of Palmer Amaranth with Liberty Herbicide

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Newly Emerged Palmer Amaranth that Escaped Warrant Applied 5 Days Ago

​Weed control has become very expensive in many cotton fields.  I walked into a number of cotton fields, last week, that from the first burndown to date have close to $100/A in herbicide already applied. Unfortunately, some are not done yet. Part of the issue is the poor residual control in some fields from non-activated post-applied Dual or Warrant(Picture Left).  Another issue is in some fields 2 to 6” Palmer amaranth is regrowing after Liberty applications. Continue reading

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Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Spreading in East Tennessee

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There have been several more reports of glyphosate-resistant (GR) Palmer amaranth being found in East Tennessee.  In some cases it is being found for the first time in new areas of counties already known to have GR Palmer.  In other case it is being found for the first time in a county (Coffee County).  Continue reading

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Liberty applied 1/2 hour after sunrise

The Early Bird May Get The Worm, But Not The Weeds

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Does time of day have an influence on how well Liberty controls Palmer amaranth? That is a question we had as a result of some field observations last year. Typically we see good control of Palmer pigweed that is less than 6 inches tall with Liberty.  However, from time to time we have noted inconsistent control of Palmer pigweed greater than 6 inches tall where time of application seem to be the only difference. Continue reading

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