Category Archives: Weeds

Tennessee Grain & Soybean Producers Conference

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The Tennessee Grain & Soybean Producers Conference is scheduled for Thursday, February 7 at the Dyer County Fairgrounds, James Rice Road, in Dyersburg (GPS coordinates: N 36.066730, W 089.365147). Registration begins at 7:45 AM with the first presentation scheduled for 9:00 AM.  Trade show and sponsor booths will be open at 8:00 AM.      Draft Program       Directions

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2013 UT Cotton Focus Meeting

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The annual UT Cotton Focus meeting will be held at the West Tennessee Research and Education Center in Jackson on the morning of Thursday, February 14.  We expect a full schedule of speakers covering important topics related to cotton production.  Please mark your calendars!

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Considerations Before Using Finesse in Wheat

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As I mentioned in a previous article Finesse is a good option to take out volunteer Roundup Ready corn before wheat planting.  Moreover, many will likely want to use Finesse pre in wheat for ryegrass control. Indeed Finesse is a good option for these type of weed control situations.  However, please keep in mind that only STS soybeans can be planted double crop in 2013 after a Finesse application this fall.  Accessing a STS soybean variety could be more of a challenge in 2013 for a couple reasons.  Continue reading

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Large Palmer Control After Corn Harvest

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3' tall palmer after corn harvest

As the combines cut corn they are often leaving behind a very green field of Palmer amaranth (Picture right). It is not uncommon to find that areas of fields where the corn died early from drought stress have 3 to 6’ tall Palmer in them just now rolling into flowering.  These pigweed need to be destroyed as soon as possible.  Continue reading

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