Category Archives: Weeds

Recrop Intervals After Wheat Herbicides

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The 4 to 5” of rain much of West Tennessee saw last Thursday 4/11/13 was not good on the wheat, particularly in poorly drained fields. Winter wheat that went under water may have to be planted back to another crop. Knowing when and what herbicides were applied to flood damaged wheat is a major consideration on a potential recrop decision. Continue reading

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Corn Pre Applied Herbicide Considerations

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Judging by phone calls over the last week it seems there is some uncertainty in which weed control program to go with in corn. This is understandable given the tight herbicide supply commonly reported. The biggest confusion though seems to be when one had planned on using a certain premix and cannot get it what would be a good replacement? Continue reading

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Burndown Considerations with Cold Temperatures

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The growing season last year seemed to run about 3 weeks ahead of “normal”.  This season seems to be running, if anything, about 2 weeks later than normal. It looks like this upcoming week will at least be a little warmer than last week with lows in the high 30s (which beats below freezing) and highs in the high 50s to low 60s. There have been a lot of questions about applying burndowns during cold weather. Continue reading

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Burndown Strategies With The Calendar Running Out and Crop Mix in Question

This spring has been almost 180 degrees different from last spring.  The dry spring of 2012 allowed a lot of early field work and at this time we were in the middle of corn planting.  This spring we are way behind on applying burndowns due to all the wet weather.  With the crunch to get burndowns out there have been a lot of calls on how best to proceed burning down particularly now with some looking to adjust their crop mix from corn to more cotton. Continue reading

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Herbicide Options For Corn That Will Be Double Cropped With Soybeans in 2013

There have been a number of calls from folks who are tentatively planning to double crop soybean behind their corn crop this year. Several farmers did this last year and were able to plant soybeans in July after the corn was harvested.  In several cases the double crop soybeans made in the 30 bushel range. The question I get from these folks is what herbicides can they use in corn and come back with soybeans in July? Continue reading

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