Category Archives: Weeds

Late-June Palmer Amaranth Management

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Picture 1. Palmer amaranth escapes after two dicamba applications.

Poor performance of dicamba on Palmer amaranth was again the theme of the last ten days.  There have been numerous reports typically with attached pictures of large patches of Palmer amaranth recovering from dicamba application/s (Picture 1). Continue reading

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UT Weed Tour will be held this Wednesday June 21, 2023

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JACKSON, Tenn. – The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture will host the annual Weed Tour this Wednesday, June 21 at the West Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center. The guided tour will feature about 40 weed management research tests in cotton, corn and soybean. This tour will qualify for Commercial applicator 3 points in categories C01, C04, C10 and C12 as well as CCA 3 points for Crop Management.

Weed Tour runs from 9 – 12:00 a.m., with registration opening at 8:30 a.m. A light breakfast will be served. Continue reading

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When Dicamba Fails…

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Picture 1. 3 to 6″ Palmer amaranth escaping Engenia + glyphosate in XtendFlex cotton. Picture taken 12 days after application

Just when it appears that ryegrass has become our most problematic weed, Palmer amaranth goes into “hold my beer and watch this” mode.  In the last 10 days we have fielded numerous reports on dicamba failures to control Palmer amaranth.  Just this past week we were able to visit a number of these fields. Continue reading

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Crunch Time for Weed Control

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Picture 1. Goosegrass escaping multiple glyphosate applications. Tipton County. Mid-June 2022

As the calendar turns to June weed management concerns change from ryegrass and horseweed to the summer annuals goosegrass, junglerice and Palmer amaranth.

Tennessee growers are in a real crunch time to control these three summer annual weeds. Big percentages of the corn, soybean and cotton crops all need some kind of POST application right now. The planter technology that can plant three different crops across large acreages very quickly has one drawback. The sprayers often cannot keep up to most every acre needing to be sprayed just as quickly. Continue reading

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Herbicide Stewardship

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It is crunch time for weed control in our row crops.  When every minute counts to get herbicide applied it is tempting to cut corners on herbicide stewardship.  The forecast would suggest that Tennessee will be entering a bit of a dry spell.  Herbicide drift is even harder for crops to recover from when drought stressed so please take time to use best management practices applying all herbicides but particularly products that contain dicamba and 2,4-D. Continue reading

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Corn Herbicide Maturity Cut-Offs

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How large can corn be before glyphosate could potentially cause injury? The glyphosate label states it can be applied up through the V8 corn growth stage. My experience has been if glyphosate is applied to corn larger than that it can at times cause ears to be barren.  This phenomenon is difficult to predict ahead of time as it can vary due to maturity of the corn at application, hybrid and weather.

Crop stage and/or crop height is used to determine the cutoffs for a given herbicide.  Often the label states the limits at whichever (crop stage or crop height) comes first.  Crop stage can easily be done by counting the number of leaf collars that are fully exposed (ex.  4 collars = 4 leaf) (Picture below).

4 leaf (collar) corn – V4 stage

Postemergence Corn Herbicides Crop Height Cutoff Crop Stage Cutoff
Accent 20 inches 6 leaf
Atrazine (Bicep, Degree Xtra, Acuron, etc.) 12 inches
Buctril 8 leaf
Callisto* 30 inches (without atrazine)
Capreno* 20 inches 7 leaf (without atrazine)
Corvus 2 leaf
Dicamba (Banvel, Clarity) 8 inches (1 pt/A) or
36 inches (1/2 pt/A)
5 leaf

Distinct 24 inches
Glyphosate – RR corn only 30 inches 8 leaf
Halex GT 30 inches 8 leaf
Hornet 24 inches
Armezon/Impact 8 leaf
Laudis 8 leaf
Liberty (Ignite) – LL corn only 24 inches 7 leaf
Diflexx 36 inches 6 leaf
Realm Q 20 inches 7 leaf
Resource 10 leaf
Resolve Q 20 inches 7 leaf
Roundup PM – RR corn only 8 leaf
Status 36 inches 10 leaf
Steadfast Q 20 inches 7 leaf
2,4-D 8 inches

*Note that if atrazine is added to herbicides such as Callisto or Capreno for example, the cutoff would be reduced to 12 inches.

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Ryegrass Issues Persist and Johnsongrass Management

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Ryegrass Infestation in Corn

Ryegrass infestations still persist in some fields.  In cotton and soybeans, clethodim can be used now to push this weed on to maturity. In corn, other than just going out and spraying the typical POST corn premix and hoping that pushes the ryegrass on to maturity there is no real solution to controlling it. Continue reading

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Early-Season Weed Concerns in ThyrvOn Cotton

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Picture 1. Palmer amaranth and goosegrass that emerged at 1 to 2 lf cotton and then escaped Post Application of Engenia + Glyphosate fb/Liberty + Glyphosate. Picture August 2022. Madison County TN

My understanding is that some cotton planted this year will contain the ThryvOn trait.   According to UT entomologist Sebe Brown these varieties will likely not require any POST foliar insecticide application for thrips.  This is great as far as management for that pest but from a weed management perspective this could be a problem. Continue reading

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