Category Archives: Weeds

Reminder: UT Cotton Scout School, May 29th

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The annual UT Cotton Scout School will be held on Friday, May 29th in Room A at the West Tennessee Research and Education Center (605 Airways Blvd, Jackson). Registration will begin at 8:00 AM with the official program starting at 8:30. It will end with a lunch, but those interested can attend a short  ‘go to the field’ session after lunch. We hope to increase the hands-on portion of the program this year. Topics will include crop development, insect and weed identification, scouting techniques, and more. No registration fee or preregistration is required.


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Fomesafen Carryover

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As expected carryover injury from fomesafen (Flexstar, Prefix, Reflex, Intimidator, Marvel, Dawn, Rhythm, etc.) is starting to show in some fields.  The reason it is showing now is due to all the rain allowing any herbicide carryover to more completely get into the soil solution. Continue reading

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Palmer Amaranth Management in Soybean Over the Next Two Weeks

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The large rain event over the weekend really was needed and from a weed control perspective greatly helped activate PRE applied herbicides.  Unfortunately, the long dry spell before that allowed a lot of weed escapes in some fields and managing them has become a concern.  Continue reading

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Grass Weed Control Options When PREs Fail in Grain Sorghum

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Over the last several years activation of PRE applied herbicides with timely rainfall has been more the rule than the exception in Tennessee.  That is not the case for most of the state this year. The most common call in this regard the last several days have been on grain sorghum fields where the crop and the weeds have emerged together due to lack of an activating rain on the PRE applied herbicides. Continue reading

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Management of Palmer Amaranth in Non-Activated PRE Herbicide Situations

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As anticipated the dry conditions that we experienced last week and that continue through today are not activating pre applied herbicides.  Reports of Palmer amaranth already 1 to 2” tall with emerging crops appears to be common.  How to proceed from here on weed management depends upon the crop as well as the herbicide tolerant trait in the crop. Continue reading

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