Category Archives: Weeds

UT Cotton Scout School This Friday

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The University of Tennessee Cotton Insect Scout School is scheduled for Friday, May 26 at the West Tennessee Research and Education Center in Jackson. The address in 605 Airways Blvd, Jackson TN. There is no fee, and preregistration is not required.  Registration begins at 8:00 AM with the program starting at 8:30. Content will include hands-on training with an optional ‘go-to-the-field session’ after a box lunch. Topics covered will include cotton development, identification of insects (and their damage) weed and diseases and their damage, and weed identification.

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Reminder – Cotton Scout School (Friday, May 26th)

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The University of Tennessee Cotton Insect Scout School is scheduled for Friday, May 26 at the West Tennessee Research and Education Center in Jackson. The address in 605 Airways Blvd, Jackson TN. There is no fee, and preregistration is not required.  Registration begins at 8:00 AM with the program starting at 8:30. Content will include hands-on training with an optional ‘go-to-the-field session’ after a box lunch. Topics covered will include cotton development, identification of insects (and their damage) weed and diseases and their damage, and weed identification.


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Recent Midsouth Studies Show Dicamba not Very Effective on some Populations of Glyphosate/PPO-Resistant Palmer Amaranth.

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Last summer Dr. Tom Barber, University of Arkansas weed scientist, invited me to visit his field research on glyphosate/PPO-resistant Palmer amaranth in Crittenden County, Arkansas. As was expected glyphosate and Flexstar provided very poor Palmer amaranth control in his tests.

What was not expected is that a number of other herbicides provided poor control as well.  Even dicamba at 0.5 lbs/A (Clarity 16 oz) on small Palmer amaranth provided less than optimal control.  Continue reading

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Glyphosate-Resistant Johnsongrass Management in Corn

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A number of questions have arisen on how to manage the glyphosate-resistant (GR) Johnsongrass that is very prevalent in some corn fields of south west Tennessee.  Much of this corn is now in the V2 to V3 corn growth stage so some decision has to be made fairly quickly before the fields dry. Continue reading

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Cotoran and Caparol Shortage – How to Proceed?

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The shortage of Caparol is apparently causing a domino effect and now I hear Cotoran is starting to become tight in some locales. As I mentioned last week, the most common way Caparol and Cotoran have been used is in a tankmix. So what are some options now that Caparol is not in the picture and Cotoran supply maybe sketchy?  Continue reading

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