Category Archives: Weeds

Herbicide Corn Maturity Cutoffs

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Due to little time and very few good spray days, some corn fields have yet to have their layby application. Corn is putting on a new leaf every 3 days with all the heat and water. Therefore, time is short before it will be too mature to apply many herbicides safely over the top.

How large can corn be before glyphosate could potentially cause injury? The glyphosate label states it can be applied up through the V8 corn growth stage. My experience has been if glyphosate is applied to corn larger than that it can at times cause ears to be barren.  This phenomenon is difficult to predict ahead of time as it can vary due to maturity of the corn at application, hybrid and weather.

Crop stage and/or crop height is used to determine the cutoffs for a given herbicide.  Often the label states the limits at whichever (crop stage or crop height) comes first.  Crop stage can easily be done by counting the number of leaf collars that are fully exposed (Ex: 4 collars = 4 leaf) (Picture below).  If tankmixing, cutoff is always determined by the most limiting factor.

4 – Leaf Corn

Johnsongrass Escaping Glyphosate Burndown

Postemergence Corn Herbicides Crop Height Cutoff Crop Stage Cutoff
Accent 20 inches 6 leaf
Acuron GT 30 inches 8 leaf
Atrazine (Bicep, Degree Xtra, Acuron, etc.) 12 inches
Callisto* 30 inches (without atrazine)
Capreno* 20 inches 7 leaf (without atrazine)
Corvus 2 leaf
Dicamba (Clarity, etc.) 8 inches (1 pt/A) or
36 inches (1/2 pt/A)
5 leaf

Distinct 24 inches
Glyphosate – RR corn only 30 inches 8 leaf
Halex GT 30 inches 8 leaf
Armezon/Impact 8 leaf
Laudis 8 leaf
Liberty – LL corn only 24 inches 7 leaf
Diflexx 36 inches 10 leaf
Realm Q 20 inches 7 leaf
Resicore 11 inches
Resolve Q 20 inches 7 leaf
Roundup PM – RR corn only 8 leaf
Shield Ex 20 inches 6 leaf
Status 36 inches 10 leaf
Steadfast Q 20 inches 7 leaf
Storen 8 leaf
2,4-D 8 inches

*Note that if atrazine is added to herbicides such as Callisto or Capreno for example, the cutoff would be reduced to 12 inches.


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Cotton Scout School (May 21, 2024)

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The UT Cotton Scout School is scheduled for Tuesday, May 21st, at the West Tennessee Research and Education Center (605 Airways Blvd, Jackson). There is no fee, and preregistration is not required. Registration begins at 8:00 AM with the program starting at 8:30. Pesticide points in categories 1, 4, 10 and 12 will be offered and a BBQ lunch will be provided. Content will include classroom and hands-on training with an optional go-to-the-field session after lunch. Topics covered will include cotton development and identification and symptoms of insect pests, plant diseases, and weeds.

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Best Management Practices for Liberty Applications

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Palmer amaranth emergence is very rapid now.  This is about a month early for Palmer emergence to be at this pace in Tennessee. With the spread of dicamba resistance in our Palmer amaranth population Liberty is our last best hope to control dicamba-resistant pigweed escapes in cotton and soybean.  This is just a quick reminder that the time of day that Liberty is applied has a large determination on the success or failure of that application. Continue reading

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Think Twice Before Cutting PRE-Applied Herbicides

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Picture 1. 2011 Palmer amaranth take over a soybean field after 32 ozs of Roundup PowerMax 

It is apparent from numerous calls that many growers this spring are planning to cut rates on PRE-applied herbicides in soybean and cotton.  I can understand the mindset with the depressed commodity prices, however I fear it may be the catalyst for Palmer amaranth history to repeat itself. Continue reading

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Glyphosate-Resistant Johnsongrass Management

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Johnsongrass Escaping Glyphosate Burndown

Large patches of Johnsongrass that have gotten through glyphosate burndown are now very prevalent in many fields. This is particularly noticeable in several southeastern counties of West Tennessee where some of the Johnsongrass has shaken off burndown and now is almost waist high in some cases. The main threat with Johnsongrass is in corn where there are few POST applied options. Continue reading

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Ryegrass Weed Control in April

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Picture 1. Roundup PM 32 ozs/A 21 days after application

A good many reports from the field reflect what our research this spring has shown.  In short, clethodim is the herbicide of choice to control ryegrass.  Often clethodim tankmixed with glyphosate can improve the probability of better overall control.  Ryegrass control with glyphosate alone is much more hit and miss both in our research and in many fields this year (Picture 1). Continue reading

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Ryegrass Burndown

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Corn in a ryegrass field

Ryegrass was a major issue last spring. For managing GR ryegrass, it is best to do it as early as practical and utilize a clethodim + glyphosate tankmix. This tankmix needs to be applied at least 30 days ahead of corn planting to use a clethodim rate that has any chance of controlling well established ryegrass. Continue reading

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