Category Archives: Tobacco

Keeping an Eye on Soil Properties that Influence Ammonia Loss from UAN

Nitrogen management in most row crops can be a significant proportion of the overall production cost and can impact the bottom line. Keeping tabs on factors that can reduce the efficiency of N applications and deploying appropriate management strategies is one of the several ways to ensure a profitable production in this season. Nitrogen loss is one of the several factors that can reduce N application efficiency. The most common loss from broadcast or dribbled, unincorporated urea-containing fertilizers is ammonia volatilization losses, especially in no-till production systems. Ammonia volatilization occurs when ammonium ion from the breakdown of urea or fertilizer is subsequently converted to ammonia gas, which escapes to the atmosphere. The striking thing about ammonia volatilization losses is that nearly 90% of the total losses occurs within 3-5 days after fertilizer application. The potential and extent of ammonia loss is dictated by three key factors including soil properties, fertilizer management practices, and environmental conditions. This article focuses on how soil pH, clay content, soil organic matter, and soil moisture levels can influence ammonia loss from urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) applied onto the surface without incorporation.

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Post-harvest soil fertility consideration

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In this podcast episode, Dr. Nutifafa Adotey and Dr. Jake McNeal addresses post-harvest soil and nutrient management questions sent in by local UT Extension agents.

You can learn more in the publications on estimating supplemental nitrogen following extended flooding and urease inhibitors, as referenced in the episode.

Check back soon for more segments covering topics related to soil and row crop agriculture!


EPA Requests Comments on Acephate Cancellation Proposal

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The EPA is soliciting public comment on a registration review decision where the EPA proposes to cancel all uses of acephate, except for injections to non-food bearing trees. Acephate is widely utilized in Tennessee row crop agriculture and is a critical component of IPM programs. Cancelling an important crop protection product would place increased pressure on a limited number of control options available to producers.  We are encouraging agricultural professionals to comment to the EPA on the impacts acephate has on your production systems. If you need assistance with comments please contact your UT extension specialist. The link to comment is below. Deadline for comments is July, 1, 2024.


Early season tobacco tips

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Authored by Mitchell Richmond and Zachariah HansenNow that everyone is washing their tobacco setters [transplanters] to be garaged until next year, it is a great time to think about some of the crop management decisions for the upcoming field season.  These decisions may include solutions for pest control in your tobacco crop. Continue reading