Category Archives: Soybean

New Insect Threats to Tennessee Row Crops?

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A couple of new potential crop pests are knocking on Tennessee doorsteps.  In fact, one has already been found in eastern and middle Tennessee, and the other was likely present last year (also in parts of eastern Tennessee).  The brown marmorated stink bug has already been found in several counties around the Knoxville area, and there have also been confirmed reports from middle Tennessee.  The “kudzu bug”, often referred to as the globular stink bug or bean plataspid has been found in Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and parts of Alabama bordering Tennessee.   Both of these critters are invading gifts from Asia.  Both also have the habit of overwintering in and around buildings (eves, etc.) and are a nuisance to home and business owners.  We will need to watch closely to see how and how far these pests will spread across Tennessee. Continue reading

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