I have written a couple of pieces on fomesafen carryover into grain sorghum. I emphasized fomesafen because it is used on almost all soybean acres in Tennessee. However, I would be remiss if I did not add that some other herbicides commonly used in soybean have lengthy plant backs to grain sorghum as well. Continue reading
Category Archives: Soybean
Weed Control Management in Conventional Soybean
There have been a number of calls this spring on weed control in conventional soybean. This is not new as calls on weed control in conventional soybeans have been more frequent the last two years. Typically the weed spectrum that is the main issue with these calls is not Palmer amaranth but cocklebur and sicklepod. Continue reading
Refresher on Cutworms
The comments below were posted sometime ago, but with corn planting time upon us, I’ve updated some take home points. Continue reading
Burndown Options for Close to Planting Corn, Grain Sorghum and Soybean
A wet and mostly cold March has us well behind the pace for burndown. As soon as the weather permits corn planting will take priority followed by burndown for grain sorghum and early planted soybean. Continue reading
Does Adding a Residual to Burndown Make Sense?
When planning your burndown does a residual make sense? That depends on if a follow-up burndown is planned at planting, the expected planting date and what is the intended crop. If the expected planting date is 3 weeks or so off and the plan is to burndown with something at planting then a residual in with the burndown now is probably not warranted. However, if the intended planting date is more than 30 days away, then a residual can provide the advantage of not having a big, grown up mess to have to plant into. Continue reading
Burndown – Getting Late Early
It finally looks like this long winter is coming to a close! I hope we can start putting out burndown applications in the next week to ten days. Continue reading
New Publication – 2015 Insect Control Recommendations for Field Crops
The 2015 version of PB1768, Insect Control Recommendations for Field Crops, is now available online at UTcrops.com. Hard copies will soon be available and distributed at UT county and crop production workshops.
TAPA Winter Agronomic Workshop and Cotton Focus
Mark your calendars for the TAPA Winter Agronomic Workshop (Wednesday, February 11) and Cotton Focus (Thursday, February 12). Both meetings will be held at the Doubletree Hotel in Jackson, Tennessee. Continue reading