I’m getting more calls about a fair number of green cloverworms and scattered, below-threshold loopers, primarily in later maturing soybean fields. Please refer to last week’s article about knowing the difference and recommended treatment thresholds for these pests. I wanted to make an additional point or two. Continue reading
Category Archives: Soybean
Crop Progress
As reported by NASS on August 10, 2015
With the exception of this season’s grain sorghum crop which continues to be plagued by sugarcane aphids, most of Tennessee’s crops are in good to excellent condition. Producers are readying their equipment for corn harvest which is anticipated to start in a few weeks. Corn silage is being cut and second cuttings of hay are being finished. Rain in some areas of the state gave crops a boost. Continue reading at Crop Progress 8 16 15.
Green cloverworms and loopers in soybean, etc.
Calls on soybean insect infestations are not common, and most folks are reporting less than average infestations of stink bugs. However, green cloverworms are being reported in some fields at or near economic treatment thresholds. Treatment is recommended when Continue reading
Crop Progress
As reported by NASS on August 10, 2015
A rain producing front late in the week was a welcome sight and helped boost crop development. Even through the mostly dry weather, however, crops progressed well. Hay harvest was delayed because of the rain. Sugarcane aphids continue to spread in the grain sorghum crop and some fields reached threshold levels and were treated. Continue reading at Crop Progress 8 9 15.
Crop Progress
As reported by NASS on August 3, 2015
Despite the heat, crops were reported to be in mostly good to excellent condition. Showers have been widely scattered throughout the State and crops look either good or stressed depending on where you are in the county. The weather, however, has been ideal for cutting hay. Conversely, in East Tennessee, vegetable crops are struggling and disease pressure is high because of wet conditions. Sugarcane aphids are showing up in grain sorghum, increasing the need for scouting and spraying. Continue reading Crop Progress 8 2 15.
August-Planted Soybean Weed Control Considerations
There was about 100,000 acres of crop that the Mississippi claimed when it went out of its banks in July. About 50,000 acres of that is being replanted back to soybeans. Most of that 50,000 acres is being planted this week (8/5). Some questions have come in on how to approach weed control in these ultra-late planted soybean. Continue reading